Part 7

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If going to Ava's Pastry on foot took fifteen minutes,  it took Hope about eight with a bike. With the notebook and pen safely in her bag Hope was now sitting in a small table for two while enjoying her beignet right outside the shop. Taking a first bite she hummed in approval as the sweet taste of the powdered sugar and cream made taste buds sing. She'd always had a sweet tooth.
Taking a second and a third bite Hope took her notebook and pen out of her bag. She opened her notebook, took a deep breath and put the pen right on top of the paper to write...what exactly?
Hope took another bite of her beignet and thought of a good beginning for her letter.
"Maybe I should start with dear dad." She spoke in whispers, her voice so low Hope could barely hear herself over the noise of people going in and out of the pastry shop. "No, that sounds like we're too close. But we are close. Even though we haven't meet each other in a long time, mom says he loves me. That's the last thing he said when he left and it's even in the letter. And I love him too." Hope contemplated for a moment.
"Dear dad, it is." Satisfied with her small monologue Hope fixed her grip on the pen, cleared her throat as if to it would help her focus better and started to write.
'Dear Dad,
I hope this letter finds you well too. Your letter found me safe and sound. I really wanted to say that I missed you-'
"No," she scratched the last sentence. "It's not good. How do I even do this?" The hurricane of emotions inside Hope was hard for her to describe. Longing as she missed Klaus, her love for him. A little bit of resentment for not being with her for the most part of her life. Even though she knew it wasn't his fault, Hope still felt like he could've done something. Letters. Calls. But at least he was starting again now.
Hope took a deep breath and flipped the page of the notebook, revealing a fresh, white one. There she started again.

'Dear Dad,
I hope this letter finds you well too. I really don't know what to write here so I am going to write what I am feeling at the moment and whatever crosses my mind. I miss you a lot. I would like to see you. And I also am a bit upset with you. I wish you had talked to me about That Night. You always said you would protect me and I always trusted you. I still do. Mom told me that the witches you destroyed were trying to harvest my power. I remember that week that I couldn't sleep peacefully. I came to you that night because I was really happy to get to see you.
You should've explained sooner.
Before I started to think that what I had really seen was some kind of monster. That it couldn't have been you.
Maybe I would have understood. But it's okay. (Or maybe it will be.)
I understand you now. Sometimes it's a bit...hard to believe that you love me, but I love you. I would like to listen to your voice and-'

Hope sniffed loudly as she saw three drops of water on her page. Not water, her tears and the fourth one was making its way down her face but she wiped it quickly. Hope put her clothed wrists on her eyes to absorb all the moisture building there and sniffed again.

Maybe she should take a small break. Pulling her eyes away from her page she tried to look at the other things surrounding her. Like the beautiful pink-ish with flowers on both sides stool that stood opposite her. How on top of Ava's Pastry, on the second floor of the building there were lots of dresses displayed in front of the floor to ceiling windows. On the right side there were three wedding gowns displayed. While on the left there were two gowns—probably for prom—Hope thought, one red and the other yellow.

Then Hope's eyes went down the building, in front of the shop's door. Black cobblestones lined the sides and white cobblestones stood in the middle forming some sort of slithering way between the small table's outside towards the shop's entry. Tilting her head up towards the sky she saw a masterpiece. If the sky had looked beautiful before it looked fascinating now, to say the least. Violets and deep blues, deeper reds and oranges painted the sky as if it were a canvas. It reminded Hope of a certain painting she had in her room back in New Orleans. She could see the moon as well. Tonight it was going to be a full one.

Immediately the first thing that crossed her mind was —werewolf—. What would happen when she would take a life and fullfil the werewolf curse? Would she then have both her parents by her side? A small smile touched Hope's lips as she thought of her parents and herself running around in their werewolf form. Teeth bared, glistening fur shining in the moonlight and howling. Free of anyone and everything. 

Sighing she returned her attention to her table, putting that small piece of imagination in a small imaginary drawer in her head and locked it away. On her table lay her bag, pen, her half-eaten beignet and the half-finished letter.
'And,' she continued writing while reaching for her beignet with the other hand. 'Maybe after a while we can speak through video calls and see each other.' Hope hesitated for one moment as her hand hovered over the paper. 'I don't feel ready for us to-.' She scratched that and neatly continued below it.
'I would rather stick to letters for now.
P.S I loved the bike. It's perfect.
Hope took a deep breath as she ripped the page out of the notebook and folded it in half. She felt...nice and relieved. Calm. With the folded letter on her left hand she finally finished eating the beignet while thinking how was she going to send the letter if she didn't know where exactly her father was.
Looking for him on a map would be useless, she knew. He probably had a witch or aunt Freya cloak him. Dusting her hands of from the powdered sugar Hope got an idea. She put the letter on the table and put both of her hands on top of it.

Calming her mind with deep breaths Hope mustered an image of Klaus as clearly as she could and than she focused on giving her letter to this imaginary version.
Focus, she told herself. His image was so close and clear, Hope could give him the lett-NO.
She lost the image as her eyes flied open. Not fifty meters away from the shop, a car with it's front smashed in one of the trees along the street could be seen and people immediately started gathering around it.
Hope let out a frustrated breath, she'd been so close. Maybe the magic would've worked. Giving herself a shake, she squared her shoulders and focused again. The same mental image, nearer and clearer. Until Hope's fingertips met with the hard and plastic surface of the table. She'd done it.
Hope couldn't help it but grin. A big grin and her eyes shone.
Now she couldn't wait for the next letter.

My littlest wolf; A Klope fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now