Part 15

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...I'm sure she'll be alright when she wakes up. Hayley is beyond strong.'

'Alright sister. Take care of her.'

'MOM.' Hope jumped out of her bed, swivelling her head around the room. She was in her bedroom in the Salvatore Boarding School. 'Mom.' She called again. This time her voice cracked.

'Hope you're awake.' Hope turned her head to see her aunt near the window, a little behind her. 'That's my cue.' She spoke on the phone and turned the screen off.

'Mom?' Hope looked at her aunt with pleading, teary eyes.

'She's alright Hope.' Freya rushed to her only niece's bed, wrapping her in a warm hug. 'She's alright. She chanted over and over while caressing Hope's back.

Hope buried her face in the crook of Freya's neck while sobbing heavily.

'It's alright sweetie.' Freya pulled back yet kept her arms around Hope. 'I just talked to your dad. He took her home in New Orleans. He'll take care of her.' Hope could only nod as tears streaked her face.


Klaus closed the doors fridge where the blood stash was kept while balancing three blood bags in his hand. He had brought Hayley home since noon and it was past 10 pm already. Yet Hayley remained in a deep slumber.

It was understandable, Klaus thought. Her body had gone through tremendous change while depraved of food. He had been an Original and the binding spell had hurt like hell. Klaus couldn't imagine what it must have been for Hayley's body to go through the spell all the while never losing consciousness.

The only thing Klaus could do was put blood in Hayley's body and wait. Walking into the room where Hayley slept, Klaus saw Marcel.

'You're here.'

Marcel didn't respond, he could only look at Hayley's seemingly lifeless body. 'I called Vincent. He should've been here by now.'

'She did the binding spell?' Marcel finally spoke.

'Yes. It has been very hard on her body. She needs the blood. Joshua healed enough to put an IV on Hayley?' Klaus lay the blood bags in the drawer beside Hayley's bed.

'Yeah, gave him my blood, healed pretty fast. I'll call him.' Turning on his heels Marcel left the room.

No more than ten minutes later Marcel strode into the room with Josh and Vincent on his tracks. Vincent's eyes immediately caught Hayley. Slowly he walked near the bed. 'She was bound.' Klaus spoke behind him while Josh started to put up the metal where the blood bags would be hanged.

Vincent nodded laconically. 'I'm going to need you to give Hayley a little check up. I don't know how they performed the magic and something about Hayley' lack of better word, worries me.'

'Yeah, I can feel it too. Something, like a thick blanket lays over her. I'll see what I can do.' Vincent raised his hands while he began chanting. After what felt like forever but was only a few minutes, Vincent stopped. A line appeared between his brows.

'Something isn't right.'

'No, it truly isn't.' Vincent responded thoughtfully. 'She's there. But I just can't seem to reach her consciousness. Its like she locked it somewhere deep and now is in a passive state.'

'Locked it you say?' Marcel perked up, joining Vincent and Klaus by the bedside.

'I am afraid she's turned it off.' Vincent whispered yet it was heard all loud and clear in their vampire ears.

'And how can we turn her emotions on again?' Josh asked.

'I have no idea.'

A phone ringing broke the silence laying in the room like a thick blanket. Klaus picked up.

My littlest wolf; A Klope fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now