Part 13

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"I can't stay here doing nothing. Mom is still nowhere to be found and I'm sure dad isn't really close to finding her.
But they have conditions.
If I am to bind my werewolf side they can let her go. Dad has made his opinion clear on such a topic so it seems that I'm going to have to do this myself. I'n not entirely sure how but I will."
Hope puts on her school uniform, then goes down the school hall waiting for someone.
'Hey, you're alive. Cool.'
A wry smile touches Hope's face.
'I guess.'
'What happened?'
'What happened is that...I'm on my own as far as getting my mom back is concerned.'
'And whats that?' Henry pointed at the scroll Hope was holding.
'It's a binding spell. If I do this, I get to lock away a part of me. And I've got three of them. How bad could it be to lose one?'
'Why don't you try and find out?'
'None of the witches around here are strong enough to do it.' Hope slumped.
Henry slumped as well, sighing. 'If only one of us knew a way to sneak out of here.' Hope's head perked up as her eyes widened and a small smile bloomed on her face.
'Can we go tonight?'
'If you're ready.'
'Let's meet after dinner.'

'Here we are.' Henry motions towards a lone, old house as he brings the car to a stop.
'Well, your witch really goes for atmosphere.'
'She's not my witch. She's just a witch I know.'
'Not your witch. Got it. Are you okay?'
'Look, Hope. You know I like you, right?'
Hope chuckles. 'Well, I didn't think you drove me all this way 'cause you hated me.' 'It's just... ...there's gonna be some things I have to explain.' He looks uneasy but Hope doesn't want to wait any longer.
'Look, sorry, but the only thing worse than doing this is waiting to do this.'
'Stop! It's spelled.' Henry kicks a tower of stones just inside the porch. 'Now you can go in.'
Hope enters the gloomy old house, her eyes roaming the corridor. On her left is an open door and inside the room-

'Mom?' Hayley is chained on a chair, standing in the middle of the room. Yet she is awake.
'Hope? Hope. What are you doing here?' And her eyes catch sight of the boy behind her. 'You.' Hayley's eyes are filled with hate. Hope sees it, but the moment she turns around towards Henry, cold shackles envelop her wrists. The Cursed Shackles. Bound to stop even the strongest of witches from performing spells.
White fury runs through Hope's veins.
'I'm so sorry.'

'They just texted. My tracking class should be zeroing in on them. We should have a location nailed down any minute.' Caroline hands Klaus a hot cup of coffee.
'So what, we just wait here and sip rancid diner coffee?'
'Or you can think about what you'll say when you see Hope. Or more importantly, what you won't say. It'll be tempting to lash out, but you'll regret it later.'
'You know, you have a lot to answer for, and not just for losing my daughter.'
'She's not lost...'
'After all your haranguing. "Be a better father, become more engaged."'
'I refute "harangue." I am not a haranguer. I gave constructive advice.'
'Which I heeded even before you told me. You know, the truth be told, it's been bloody awful. I mean, it was bad enough when I had to keep my distance. One year after I left New Orleans, Hope reached out to me through magic. An incident happened and I thought that Hope would never forgive me. That was it. So I decided to cut contact all together, hoping she would forget me altogether. Marcel and Hayley,' his voice wavered at the mention of her name. 'Hayley convinced me to be a better father, so I tried to find another way of communication. Letters.' Caroline listened attentively. 'I wrote her and she wrote me back. Of course the pain of being apart was dreadful but the letters were my fuel. But now.' Klaus inhaled deeply.
'Now that I've seen what a lovely and strong girl she's become, I-I don't think I can stay away. I don't want her to hurt or bind herself. The desire to keep her close, to-to protect her, the constant worry now even with Hayley missing. I've never known such pain.' Caroline's face softened. 'Well, congratulations.' She whispered softly. 'You just became a father.'
'Just as she became truant. Why? Why would she run away?'
'It's pretty basic. Some girls just like the bad boys. The more sheltered they are, the more likely it is.'
'You say that like it's inevitable. It's not a right of passage.'
'Oh, for some girls it is. It was for me.' She peered up at Klaus meaningfully. 'If there was a bad boy within a five-mile radius, I would find him. And some were even way too old for me.'
'Well. I'm sure some had very... pure intentions.' Caroline's laugh fill the silence.
'Maybe.' She answers as her eyes twinkle.

'What's going on?'
'He's the one that led them to me in the church attic.' Hayley exhaled painfully.
'But how did you know where she was?' Slowly the cloud of confusion in Hope's head clears out. 'You got inside my head. The first day you touched me. When you tucked my hair behind my ear. You were really just trying to figure out where my mom was hidden.' She spoke in disbelief.
'Hope, look, I know this looks bad, okay? But if you just do the binding spell...'
'Binding spell? What's he talking about?' Hayley's head swivelled between Roman and Hope.
'Greta said that if I-I did the binding spell, then they'd let you live.'
'Greta said that?'
'I-It's just so Hope can't make any more hybrids. Our movement is about getting the natural order back. That's all my mom wants.'
'Wait. Greta's your mom?' Hope can barely contain the shiver of her body as anger erupts inside her. She'd been played. Played in a game where her mother's life was at stake. Hayley fights agains her ropes and chains.
'Untie me, now!'
'I can't. Okay? Just do the binding spell, and you'll be fine.'
'Nothing will be fine for you unless you untie me. You realize that your mother is insane.'
'It's not insane to defend yourself, okay? Werewolves kill to trigger their curse. None of them are innocent. But at least they're a naturally occurring species. Hybrids are a perversion. Look at Klaus. And-and Henry was a hybrid for less than a day before he murdered someone. They're just unnatural.'
'Hybrids have a choice, too, Roman. Uh, we all have free will. Klaus did whatever he did not because he's a hybrid, but because he's Klaus. Henry is just a kid. Eventually, he'll learn self-control.'

'Mom.' Hope whispered.
'Henry's dead.' Hayley's eyes widened in disbelief.
'What happened?'
'They tore his heart out and strung him up outside Rousseau's.'
'Who did? No one knows. I bet Roman's mother does. Think about it. If they did that to some backwoods bayou kid that they barely even knew, imagine what they're gonna do to us.'
'No. My mom just wants peace. If you bind yourselves, you'll be free. You... You'll see.' Henry spoke defensively. 'And if you believe that, then you really are a fool. Your mother doesn't want to bind us Roman...she wants to kill us.'

' "This is Greta. I'm unavailable. Please leave a message." She's not answering.'
'Maybe Greta didn't recognize the number as your burner phone. You do the math, Roman. Why else would she send you to the middle of nowhere? If she really wanted Hope just to do the binding spell, she would have kept you in Mystic Falls, or-or sent you to New Orleans.'
'I trust her, okay?' Henry raised his voice. 'Yeah, that's what she's counting on.'
'She's not how you think!' He roared angrily and then his eyes softened while recalling memories of him and Greta. 'When I was a kid, werewolves literally tore my family apart. And they left me for dead. Greta saved me. She treated me like a son. She gave me a new family. Until your father showed up and killed mine. Because of him, I spent years desiccated in a cave. But the whole time, Greta never stopped looking for me. She never gave up. She's a good mother.'
'No, Roman. She's not a mother. She expects things from you that no mother ever should. A mother who really loved her son wouldn't use him as a soldier. Don't you see? She... has trained you to become a terrorist.' Hayley voicing all the facts was doing something to Henry. His strong belief was wavering.
'Just shut up, okay?! She just wants us to live separately, in-in peace.'
'Until everyone she doesn't consider "pure" is annihilated. She wants us dead. You know I'm right.'
'She would never do that.'
'And you're so sure. You're so sure that you're willing to risk our lives on it, to risk Hope's. You have to let us go.'
'I got to make a phone call, okay?'

My littlest wolf; A Klope fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now