Part 3

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A/N: Its been a long time since i haven't updated this fic, but I had absolutely no desire to write. So this chapter isn't the most brilliant thing(sorry). Thankfully I got my desire back and will probably post a fourth chapter later today. In my mind I have two ways to write this fic: in one Hayley dies and in the other she doesn't (but elijah does cuz i dont like him, sorry). Which one do you want?

Blood splattered the walls and a loud thump was heard. Eyes open but not seeing towards the ceiling and covered with fresh blood two heartless bodies lay on the living room of Klaus Mikaelson. Two siphoner witches, who Klaus had spent ten days tracking after Hayley had told him something was bothering Hope in her sleep. Thus he hadn't met Hope this Sunday. Klaus would allow no one to come in between him and the only time he could see his daughter. Those meetings were the only things that kept him from going berserk.
Doing a quick mental tally, he calculated when his next meeting with his daughter would be. He'd started following the witches Friday of last week and today was the tenth day which meant—

'Dad!' An excited child voice called out and then another -dad-, but now the voice was trembling with fear.
Klaus turned around immediately, clothes and face covered in blood, the heart of that damned witch still in his hand.
'GET OUT!' He roared.
Hope flinched and immediately left not needing to be told twice. Leaving behind her only faint smoke where she had been.


Shards of wood spilled into the room as another table flied across the room. Klaus growled in rage, his hybrid eyes gleaming. He'd long taken care of the witches bodies but the blood still covered the walls of the room. Another growl but now shards of glass fell on the bloody carpet.

He'd sworn he would protect her innocence. As much as his daughter had been through even before she was born, she had as much innocence as a Mikaelson could have. A different way to see the world. And Klaus had sworn to protect that, to be her fairytale prince just like she had believed.
And now Klaus had ruined everything.
His whole body pulsating with rage and his eyes bloodshot, he forced himself to sit. Trying to calm himself down, Klaus took in what he had done. All the furniture broken and splattered around. All the windows broken.

Now there was no more rage in Klaus, only self-loathing and pity. Now he wanted to cry. Now he wished he hadn't killed his father. His real father. The one that told him beautiful things can be made with blades or daggers. That there is another way beside killing.

Klaus wished to talk to his daughter. But what could he say? How could he apologise for such horror? How could have he forgotten that it was their meeting day? How could he have been so foolish and careless to forget and bring the witches body? Klaus' anger erupted anew but now there was nothing more to break.
Only himself.

My littlest wolf; A Klope fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now