Part 8

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A/N A lot of years have passed and now we are in the beginning of the Originals season 5. Many things will remain the same such as Hope giving her blood to Henry and her using her magic on Hayley, yet some other stuff will be different. It's during/after the moment Hayley is talking to Declan. Enjoy <3

Hope's POV

[Kol]: How is my little ne'er-do-well?
[Hope]: I've been better. How's Davina?
[Kol]: My darling wife is gorging on papaya right now. You know, Belize is beautiful this time of year. You should visit.
[Hope]: I'd love to, but... I'm grounded.
[Kol]: Grounded? Can't ground a witch, let alone my favorite niece.
[Hope]: That's what I said. Mom didn't think it was funny.
[Kol]: Well, I'm sure it will all blow over by Mardi Gras.
[Hope]: I... I didn't think it was such a big deal at the time, but now that it's stirred up so much trouble I-I feel kind of bad.
[Kol]: Darling, you can't get your knickers in a knot every time you have a little kerfuffle. You'll never have a moment of pleasure. And I, for one, thought you showed some real entrepreneurial spirit.
[Hope]: Yeah, that's me, your friendly, neighborhood blood dealer.
[Kol]: I'm sure you've noticed by now the best people are black sheep.
[Hope]: Like my dad?
[Kol]: I was referring to me. Niklaus is in a league of his own.
[Hope]: Seen him lately?
[Kol]: Well, thankfully for you, no. Don't worry. Sooner or later, something will blow up in New Orleans. Some crisis or other always brings us back.

[Hope is lying on her bed, at home in New Orleans, grounded. Hayley is out. ]

I just wanted to go to dad that's all. Sure maybe making Henry a hybrid wasn't such a good idea. It was an impulsive action. Should've thought it better.
But now there's nothing I can do about it.
Hope turned around on her side. Stuck with nothing but her thoughts was draining. Leaning on her elbows Hope opened the drawer of the bedside table, revealing her father's letters. There were so many of them. Each had made Hope happier than the other when she had come into her room and found the letter on her bed. Two years ago they'd had their first phone call. It had been lovely. Hope had teared up the moment she'd heard his voice and Klaus' voice had wavered as if he'd been trying not to cry.
Still they hadn't had many phone calls, letters were better. Hope had grown very comfortable with them. The letters had become like some sort of diary. She poured her feelings there, knowing that the receiver would cherish each and everyone of them. can come here. Hope's finger caressed the corner of a white envelope.
Can he? No it's too risky. She fell on her back. I just want to see him. How bad can it be?
She turned on her side.
Even if we can keep the magic in control-how will we do that?- how do I bring dad here?
She turned again.
Well, he surely won't come if I tell him I got suspended. Maybe I should tell him a made a hybrid then he'll come. Teach me how to be a sire 101.
Hope chuckled to herself. Then she sobered an idea slowly forming into her mind.
Maybe she shouldn't but...It's all right, I'll keep her safe.
Throwing her blanket to the side Hope bolted to her spells book.
[Hayley is now lost and everyone is worried. News has reached Klaus as well.]

[Klaus]: Where's your mom?
[Hope]: I don't know. She said she'd only be gone a few minutes, but then she never came back. Dad?
[Klaus]: I was looking for your mother.
[Hope]: Yeah. So are we. She's missing.
[Klaus]: I'm on my way.

[Declan]: You might avoid sneaking up on a bloke with a blade in his hand.
[Klaus]: Where's Hayley Marshall?
[Declan]: Best guess: roaming about her giant house sorting out inspired new ways to be emotionally unavailable. Who the hell's asking?
[Klaus]: My name is Klaus Mikaelson.
[Declan]: Doesn't ring a bell.
Does Hayley have any enemies?
[Declan]: Enemies? Nah. She's a single mother, not a supervillain. You're Hope's father, aren't you? You look like her, round the eyes.
[Klaus]: If you don't cooperate, Declan, "round the eyes" is where I'm gonna start carving off pieces of you.
[Declan]: Hayley stood me up, okay? It's not exactly rare. I figured, hell, Hope's dad must have done a number on her. Well, since you're obviously a right ray of sunshine, it must have been someone else broke her heart... and Hope's.
[Klaus]: Don't say my daughter's name.
[Declan]: Really? Look around. I'm here... birthdays, holidays. We've been teaching her to drive. Where the hell were you?

[Klaus]: You are utterly disposable.

[Klaus is hit by a wave of power away from Declan.]
[Hope]: Seriously, Dad?
[Klaus]: Looks like you need to go back to the butcher's immediately. You won't remember meeting me today.

[Declan]: Ah. Mornin', kid. Um... I'll be back. I forgot to stop by the Shank. But saved you a bread pudding in the fridge. Your favorite.
[Klaus]: Go home, Hope.
[Hope]: You're not even gonna look at me? Mom's missing, Dad. I'm scared.
[Klaus]: We're too close.
(A/N from now here there is my interpretation but it will probably be intertwined with more dialogue from actual the Originals scenes as I wish to keep it as much the same as possible)
'Yeah but you can at least look at me.' Hope focused her doe eyes on her father pleadingly.
'This magic is too strong Hope.' A hiss interrupts Klaus' words. A red and yellow snake slithers away from the kitchen cupboard and enchanted whispers fill the room. 'You can hear this too. I don't want to put you in danger Hope.'
'No Hope.' His tone bore no opposing. 'Or else I will have to make Freya bind you in the Compound with magic. I don't want it to go to that.'

Hope opened her mouth to say something but the whispers were growing more and more menacing.
'You will be with your mother again in not time Hope. I will find her.' Meeting her eyes just briefly, Klaus could see the thousand emotions there but time wasn't their friend. The more they stood with each other the louder grew the whispers. With his daughters teary eyes in his mind he whooshed away.

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