Part 10

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[Going to ep3 of The Originals, Klaus is in France trying to get Elijah back.]

'I'm not going anywhere with you.' Elijah spoke coldly.
'I'm begging you, brother. You may not think you know me. Or Rebekah or Kol or Freya or Hope or even Hayley. But we are your family. Everyone you love needs you now.' Klaus pleaded.
'Everyone I love is right here. And don't waste your breath. I know exactly who I am. See, I ran into Marcel Gerard a few years ago in New York City. He tell you about that?' Klaus brows knitted , a line forming between them. 'I didn't recognize him, of course, but he did say my name. And that was all that I needed to learn about my former life. So, yeah, I don't have all the memories, but I know all about you... and Rebekah, Kol, Freya, Hope, and even Hayley. And I don't care about any of you.' He spat mercilessly.
'You may have a wealth of knowledge at your disposal... Facts, figures, names, and dates... But you lack all the feelings. The love and the loyalty. A thousand years of family!' Klaus' voice echoed in the old walls of the tomb.
'Elijah Mikaelson spent every day of his wretched life trying to save you from yourself. I mean, I can't even imagine a more miserable existence. From what I understand, that poor bastard was lucky to find... any moment of pleasure. That's not me. That's not who I am. I love this life. I love it all. I love the quiet of the night. The taste of my prey when they truly embrace their demise. I worship every single dawn that I spend here, here, where I'm truly, truly loved.'
'Such poetry. But it means nothing without family, without purpose. You... were not unhappy. No. You were a king amongst men. We both were, standing shoulder to shoulder through the ages. We had glorious times together. And we will have more of them still. Please, Elijah...'
'Elijah Mikaelson is dead.' And that was final.
'He's not coming back.'
'You don't know that.'
'Yes, I do. They say Elijah Mikaelson was his North Star, that he guided Klaus through the darkest parts of his pathetic life. So to renounce that family, to renounce him the way that I did, I saw it. I watched the light vanish from his eyes. This immovable man, this legendary Niklaus Mikaelson was... broken.'
'Freya... I couldn't find him in France. He's gone.
ELIJAH: So, yes, Antoinette, he's leaving. He's leaving, and he's not coming back.
So much pain. My head feels dizzy, my eyes heavy. I can't move. I try to but my body doesn't respond. Everything is black.
What happened?
Declan... I was talking to him.
And then...then what?
Hayley tried to force her eyes to open.
Slowly just a little. She could see a silver of light.
Taking a deep breath, Hayley's eyes fluttered open. Not fully-she didn't have energy for that- but just enough so that she could take in her surroundings. The room was almost empty, there were some cans and bottles scattered on the ground and some rope near them. There was a shuttered window on her left and a door on her right. She was in the middle of the room facing another door.
And then I was in the church, in a coffin. Memories started falling into place like pieces of a puzzle as Hayley was gaining consciousness. She'd put up a hell of a fight but they'd won at the end. Hayley tried moving her arms and legs but to no avail. She couldn't feel her muscles at all.
For how long have I been here? Who are these people?

Hayley tried moving again, slower this time. She focused her energy on her hands, slowly clenching and unclenching her fist. She could feel the blood rushing towards her hands.
Then she made work of her legs. Contracting and relaxing her muscles. Blood rushing in her body filled her with warmth, yet it wasn't enough. She was hungry. She needed more blood.
Her legs were tied at the ankles and hands were tied too. Hayley could see burn marks under the ropes in her wrists. Vervain and judging by her lightheadedness wolfsbane too. A terrifying mix meant to undermine a hybrid.

Suddenly the door in front of her flew open, flooding the room with light. Hayley winced from the sudden light, sharply moving her head to the side. The sudden movement just made her more dizzy and it felt as if it drained all of her power. Whatever of it she had left.
A man, tall enough to fill the entire frame of the door, marched slowly towards her. He was dressed all in black, boots, jeans, tank top and a jacket on top of it. Hayley turned her head slowly towards the man, already seeing red.

'Who are you? She demanded, her voice wavering yet the authority of an alpha clear in it.
The man just smiled. A cold menacing smile, that would've made a lesser man shiver. But Hayley wasn't one.

'What do you want from me?'
The man's smile just grew more.
'Answer me or I swear I will kick that smile off your face.'
'So the little wolf awakens finally.' He spoke suddenly. Little wolf. How does he know that? He goes on walking, going around her.
'Hm,' the moment he is in front of Hayley again, she can see a sharp dagger glinting in his hand. 'Can I call you that though? You're a hybrid.' The fake, cold smile disappears from his face, an ugly snarl forming in it. 'Hybrids. Abominations. You are a disgrace to vampires.' He spat. Distaste dripped of his voice.
'You know if it were up to me, I wouldn't let any of you alive. Not the werewolves or the hybrids. Why sullen the clean vampire blood and legacy with creatures like you?'
'What. Do. You. Want. From. Me.' The vervain and the wolfsbane were messing with her head and body. The bloodlust too. She couldn't focus on this man or think of a plan to escape.
Instead of answering he ran a finger across the edge of the dagger. Blood welled on the tip of his finger in a clean, long cut.
'That way only vampires would get to rule the Earth. What a dream that would be? But it's about time I stopped dreaming.' The cut on his finger healed. 'It's time I work to make my dreams reality.' A cruel smile bloomed on his face and his eyes shone with hate. Before Hayley could wrap her head around his words, the man whooshed behind her and ripped her jacked and shirt revealing her Crescent birthmark.
Hayley tried to fight, but the more she moved the vervain burned her skin. Keeping her in place, the man put a beefy hand on her shoulder, raised the other hand in which he had the dagger and Hayley screamed.

My littlest wolf; A Klope fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now