The Beginning of All Stories

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                They made a story, then another, and then even more. Infinite stories flowed from Them, and through Them. The Word was with the God of All Gods in the beginning, and the Word was the God of All Gods. Through the Word, the Story of Stories was made; without the Word, Lifeless Nothingness would remain. Without the Word, there are no Stories of Stories. Through Him were all these things, life. That life was the light of all mankind, their infinite Stories. The light shines in the Darkness of all Evil, Doubt, and Despair; that Darkness has not overcome it.

                From the God of All Gods, a Shadow was cast. Living Darkness, or Living Nothingness; the absence of His bright, glorious presence. The Absolute Absence was given consciousness and life among the angels, the God of all Gods. It was there even before they had begun singing. Among the formlessness of which became something good, the Absolute Nothingness was there beside the God of All Gods. The Angels Gave Him The Name Betzalel, as he Was The Shadow of The God of All Gods. Watching as everything came into being, and on the seventh day, the God of All Gods promised the Absolute Nothingness: Most things that He created would return to the Absolute Nothingness after all things. When every loose end was tied.

                Among this promise was a job, a decree of the God of All Gods: Protect His Creation. With this weighty job, the Absolute Nothingness was given a title. With the power that exceeded even His Angels, Conceptual Lordship. Thus, the Absolute Nothingness waited, prepared for battle and wars in the name of His Name. For millennia, it watched the development of Creation before Itself, and patiently It waited for the end of all things, and in that wait it watched for threats to what was created.

                In negotiation, Death came before the illusions of the Absolute Nothingness created only for Death's benefit. For even if Death was looked upon as the Absolute Nothingness truly was, Death would cease to exist. A state of affairs that would please The Nothingness to no end. "What brings you here, Death? To me, so far from where you have originally sprung?" Asks the Absolute Nothingness, staying laid back in his seemingly stone throne. "I come before you with a proposition, Absolute Nothingness. In exchange for your power, I offer you any of my manifestations within Creation," offered Death, bowing before the Absolute Nothingness, before their stone throne. "How would that benefit me, Death?" The Absolute Nothingness asks, bringing a hand up to Its chin from the throne's armrest. "You gain yourself less time to wait for the end of all things, Creation, to come. A body in Creation to do whatever I see fit with it," Death explained, properly upright, its hand to its side. "Very well, but under one condition. I get another to do whatever I please with this earthly body of mine, and not even you will have a say on what is done with what is mine," the Absolute Nothingness replied after a moment of thinking. "It is done," Death replied, smiling smugly. With gley, Death rushed back to Creation to continue its sinister plans.

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