Death to Monsters

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                "The System... Has given me another reason to kill you," Winter dashed at one Kang, and they clashed daggers. "We're both in a class that uses rapid movements and a dagger as a weapon," Kang began, "assassins, right?" Winter asks as they compete to our pace each other. "Don't you think I'm the best candidate to teach you a thing or two?" He asks while dodging Winter's attacks. "You're right, I'm learning a lot from you. I now know that an opponent who talks too much is just a pathetic person," Winter explained, catching Kang's business suit. Kang swung back, but Winter leaped back in time. Just as he landed on his foot, Winter enabled a skill.

~>System<{" The [Skill: Speed] Has Been [Activated], The [Player]'s [Speed] Has [Increased] by [30%]. 1 [Mana] Will be [Consumed] Every [Minute] While This [Skill] is in Use,"}>it rang<~
~>System<{" The [Skill: Great Ultima's Rage] Has Been [Activated]. The [Player]'s [Stats] Have [Increased] by 30%. 50 Cursed Energy Will Be Consumed Every Minute While This Skill is in Use,"}>it rang in sync with the first<~

                Then, a massive burst of air and aura erupted where Winter once stood. Kang could only see the dusty trail that was left behind from each step Winter took. "He became even faster?!" Kang thought to himself, bringing his dagger up to block an attack to his face, but it was no use, with one slash Winter broke his guard and cut into Kang before speeding past him. "Is this guy using a skill as well?" Kang thought as Winter skids nearly a yard behind him. Kang looked down to see blood falling from his body.

~>System<{" [Effect: Paralysis] Has Been Activated. [Effect: Bleed] Has Been Activated,"}>it rang as veins popped, and more blood spilled out<~

                "Have I been poisoned?!" Kang thought, growing angry and annoyed. "I see. This is because of that dagger of yours. Seems like it has special abilities," Kang turned to see Winter, with one eye bloodshot. Just as the effects were fading, Kang began moving again, "The effects don't last long because of his resistance," Winter thought to himself, "You're not half bad," Winter replied, the jaw of the mask moving as he spoke. "Now it's my turn to show you something exciting," Kang smiled sinisterly on his face. He began to go invisible, cloaked in a strange ability, before completely disappearing. "What-? What's going on? I can't sense his presence anymore," Winter thought his heart was racing. The white cursed energy that made his mask began to spread, covering more of his face and body.

               Without thinking, Winter's left hand jerked up and to the left, blocking an incoming attack. Following, his eyes looked there to get confirmation. "I've completely concealed myself, yet you still managed to block my attack," Kang began from no discernible location. "Your senses are pretty sharp," he complimented, nearly taunting Winter. "The skill Stealth allows me to disappear. You won't see, hear, or smell my presence. Only a handful of assassins have attained this rare skill, but of course, nobody knows that I have the ability to camouflage myself," Kang continued, "Because there's no one who lived to tell the tale," he explained, lunging to attack Winter once more. Once again, his head jerked to the left with his hand where Kang was attacking, but it never came. Rather, an unseen dagger cut through Winter's leg, "I've ruined your leg," Kang explained, partly leaving his cloaked magic. Winter growled in pain. A blood-curdling noise for everyone. "It could be easily healed in no time if there was a healer close by. Since you're so far away from your healer, you'll probably only be able to receive basic healing spells," Kang sinisterly explained to Winter, with his blood running down his leg and foot. "Winter!" The healer exclaimed, concerned for the balance of the fight falling out of their favor. "Don't try anything stupid. Stay where you are," Kang threateningly pointed his bloody dagger at the healer. "You're next," he added as the healer halted in fear, trembling. "At this rate, Winter will run out of energy first," David thought, gritting his teeth with sweat running down his face. "I can't even leave this place to call for reinforcements," he mumbled to himself, his hand trembling as it held onto the sword. "My skills aren't strong enough to help Winter. I can at least buy enough time for him to get healed!" David thought, tightly holding onto the sword's grip.

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