The Damned Lost in The Fire

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                "Now, what should we do about this mess?" David asked, "Wouldn't it be best to leave this dungeon and report everything to the association?" The healer asked, "We need to close the dungeon first," Winter explained, "W-wait! Are you planning on fighting the boss on your own?!" David asked, outraged that someone like Winter would do that, but then he remembered what had just happened, "Well, now that I've seen your skills, I won't stop you," he calmed down significantly.

                Bodies littered the floor, and bloody puddles in the rocks were everywhere as if it had rained blood for the past few minutes. "I do wish we could give all these guys a proper funeral... How unfortunate," David sighed, looking around. Winter pulled his dagger out from Kang and began to accept his rewards. "I've obtained Kang's skill? I hope I can do this with everyone I kill," Winter thought to himself, quite excited to get more skills. "Winter, Jean, and I will head out first and contact the association," David explained, "We'll be waiting for you outside, please be quick," she added. "It won't take long," Winter replied, sighing in relief. He stepped towards the bodies, "I know you're still alive. Get up," Winter looked down at one of the prisoners. "Why did you pretend to be dead? Were you trying to secretly escape?" Winter asked, looking at him as the man stood up. He had a cut on his throat, making it clear he couldn't speak. The blood loss made this man weak. "Man, that was brutal of Kang. He was shrewd enough to cut your vocal cords," Winter explained, "At this rate, you'll die of blood loss. You could survive if I get you to Jean in time," Winter replied, "Hold on... Are you going to help this guy?" Ultima asked confused, "You'll see," Winter responded in thought, his eyes glowing red once more. "I'm... Saved!" The man thought, being dragged across the ground. "Wait, this way is!" He thought of noticing the different pathways to the outside. "Stay still," Winter commanded, getting closer and closer to the boss's lair. "This isn't the way out!" The man panicked, squirming and resisting.

                The door opened, and the man watched in a cold sweat. Eyes wide, he looked upon the boss and the goblin army that surrounded him. "Do you remember the faces of your victims?" Winter asked, leaning against the door to the lair. The man looked back with betrayal in his expression. "You're even more of a scumbag than Kang," he bluntly told the mute man, eyes glowing blood red, with half a mask on his face. "Monsters belong in dungeons," Winter explained as the man looked back at him. The goblins are already beginning their attack. He reached out to Winter, as a flood of goblins consumed and tore the man apart. Winter watched mercilessly as the man was horrifically torn limb by limb. With it, a silent scream echoed throughout the dungeon.

                Defeating the hobgoblin boss wasn't much of a challenge, David and Jean left the dungeon first to tell the surveillance agent about the recent events. When she realized that there had been a major accident, she immediately notified the high-ups. With impressive timing, senior agents arrived at the scene. "How long has it been since the dungeon was cleared?" River asked, fixing his tie. "About twenty minutes, sir," The young agent replied. "Forty minutes left... That should be enough for our investigation and retrieving the bodies," River turned to his partner. "Did the survivors clear the dungeon?" He asks, "Yes," she replied walking beside him, now. "So that bastard Kang was contracted to kill all other raiders? If what we've been told is true, then the raiders would've tried to leave behind the dead bodies. But, instead, they purposefully sealed off the dungeon," River thought to himself. "That means they have something to hide," he added, walking up to the three survivors. "Winter Jr. Throndsen?" River thought, noticing Winter just standing around with his hoodie up. "Is he the same person in the pictures? He's changed so much in a few years," River thought to himself. "Winter, we will meet again," he warned. "Ah, you're the agent from-" Winter began- "Yes, my name is Agent River. I'm the manager of the surveillance team," River explained, "It looks like one of our agents caused a major problem. We'll issue an official apology once we've gathered all the facts and evidence. A thorough investigation will be conducted by the investigation team, not the surveillance team," River explained to the three.

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