Nearing Game Day

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                During the four weeks of preparation, Winter helped the MDA between work at EWR developing his idea. With only weeks left, Winter had developed only ten percent of his ward made of Artificial Matter. With several all-nighters under his belt already, he attempted to complete more of this painstaking process. Ultima helped very little, and only intermittently when Winter couldn't find a solution that was obvious to itself. "You could make this way faster if you just helped a little more!" Winter complained, "I could, but it's funny watching you struggle," Ultima replied with a laugh. "The physical properties of Artificial Matter were previously explored before Winter's birth. It has near limitless uses in the physical world and had profound effects on his world," Ultima explained, "Although, the properties it possesses in the metaphysical world went unexplored until now," it continued. "No one has yet applied artificial matter to an amulet. The only man close to this discovery was Winter's father, and even then, he was focused on making living weapons with both physical and metaphysical talents," Ultima added. "Attempting to build on the knowledge of creating an amulet in the first place and replacing the materials required with the artificial variant would be simple in practice!" Winter began, "But it can't be that simple, so there must be a different variance than required!" He continued, looking through his paperwork. Several failed attempts littered his personal laboratory. "In reality, it's just that simple, but he hasn't figured it out yet," Ultima laughed to himself, "It's amusing to watch him reinvent the wheel," It smiled.

                Late in the night, Erik sat in his office late at night. "Is it possible?" He thought with a sigh, "A Mythic that can become stronger actually exists?" Erik added, "I thought it was a myth-" he mumbled- "I wonder what he's worth," Erik added. His buzzed, "Trying to recruit him was just a waste of time and energy," he reached for his phone from his office chair, "Fortunately I can maintain a relationship with him," Erik thought. He lifted his phone up and faced the screen towards himself. Erik leaned forward, "looks like the list of Mythics participating came out," he scrolled through it. Simón sat in his hotel room. He poured himself a glass of liquor and leaned back into the couch. He pulled out his phone, he dialed in a number and waited, "Mr. Alcabú?" Asks a man on the other side. "Mr. Leñero, it turns out there is a skilled Mythic here in Klato," he explained, and the man laughed, "Surely not as strong as you, Mr. Alcabú!" Leñero replied as he stepped through an airport. "I'm not sure of that myself," Simón responded, "What's his name?" he asks, "Winter Greats. He underwent a recent re-evaluation as an S-rank," he explained, "I see him, his name is listed here," Leñero commented, "What?" Simón asks, "Sorry, I was looking at the list the MDA of Klato posted," he explained. "He's on it, right? Mr. Sears would be crazy for not including someone like Mr. Greats," he asks, "Yes, no need to worry. These are the majority of the S-ranks in Klato, they'll all be participating in the raid," Leñero replied, "Good, this can continue like planned-" Simón began- "I'll call you when the raid begins," he explained, "okay," Leñero replied.

                The Kauai Island was alive, with ants running all over the surface of the island. Trees and fauna rustle with ants rushing through them. Other ants cared tenderly for many of the plants as other ants harvested the fruits of their labor, "We must abandon this island," she thought. Deep within the Waialeale mountain, the ants swamped through the elaborate tunnels, "There isn't enough food here. The children are eating themselves," she continued as ants swarmed the dead, feasting on the corpses, "there hasn't been enough for months now," she explained, stepping into the brood chamber. "We cannot allow this to continue," the queen decided, "We need a strong soldier," she stepped toward the largest of the nursery. There were hundreds of eggs she previously laid, "An all-powerful soldier to lead the citizens of our kingdom," she explained, condensing more of her mana into the egg. The Queen was an enormous ant with chitinous white armor with pale lavender eyes, "for the sake of our kingdom, make the enemies who stand in our way tremble in fear!" She imbued more of the mana available to her, and reaped her statement three times to it, "You must be stronger!" she repeated as the hatchling began to break free from its egg. With a screech, its mighty aura erupted out from the leathery egg. Its dark red aura erupted from the island, "Consume all there is to consume-" she began- "And become stronger, my child," she explained.

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