Becoming Stronger

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               Months passed, then Years. With his father's advancing age, he was forced into retirement. With no one but Winter available to take the family business, as his siblings are still under training and constant adjustments, while he was only clearing dungeons and studying the Holy Bible. Winter took up the mantle with a day of hesitation and consideration. On this path of growing stronger, he took the ownership of EWR, hoping that it'd improve his life. For numerous days and sleepless nights, he studied and worked to learn the business from the ground up. Outside of Raising Dungeons From E to D rank, he took notes in every meeting, from the board manager, and even wrote down tips from his secretary, Mari. An older woman with black, long hair and glasses perched on her nose. She often wore a formal dress suit when she was at work.

                Diligently, Winter worked to better the business in many ways, and the company started to expand in its influence. They took risks and succeeded in it. With this success, came an economic success. More businesses took the same risks, and many did fail. Those who succeeded made money and brought even more economic success. The city, in return, grew and became prosperous. With the economic advancements, technology slowly became far more advanced over time.

                With each instant dungeon Winter cleared, he advanced in levels and got that much stronger. Each dungeon was filled to the brim with resources, magical and magic-less materials. Winter wasn't able to gather all of these resources on his own, and it wasn't like he could use them for anything in the first place. Despite this, he still benefited from the instant dungeons. The battle experience, and gaining levels from killing the magical beasts within the instant dungeons.

                Winter's first few dungeons that he started got him rolling, and addicted to the intense fun that they brought with the growth. Each additional level left him wanting to go higher, and the ringing of the system's notification was like the noise your socials make when you are notified by the app. It was an addiction Winter could not avoid. As Winter was getting into a rhythm, a higher rarity of an instant dungeon key was left in his inventory.

~>System<{" [Rarity: C]. [Type: Key]. A Key That Allows You to Create an Instant Dungeon."}>it displayed over the key he held in his hand<~
~>System<{" STATUS: [Name: Winter Jr. Throdern]. [Level: 20]. [HP: 100%]. [MP: 100%]. [CP: ???%]. [Energy: 100%]. [Argent: ???%]. [Fatigue: 0%],"}>it displayed as a separate tab<~

                "I should probably rest... Only two days and I've got one key left," he talked to himself before heading home. Just as you'd think, it was barren and without furniture. The first floor was only decorated with equipment and random things. Including equipment for working out. The second floor was much worse, with only a bedroom fully decorated and used. The bathroom connected to his bedroom was just as barren. With only the painted walls, and a towel rack.

                Sat on his bed, he reviewed his stats and took notice of his name. The same name as the man he despised the most. Then, he thought to himself about what he would name himself. Then it came to him, a personally funny name to himself, something to live up to. Shooting high, he went with the name Winter Legendary Greats. All because he wanted to be a great legend among the people of this planet. Perhaps even the strongest in the universe. A great dream, indeed. A target that was higher than he thought he could even shoot. That night, he rested that much better, with dreams of being strong.

                Just as Winter returns he entered his last dungeon before he had to go back to doing the daily quests 2 times more than usual. As the instant dungeon opened, Winter knew he might have gone over his head with this dungeon. It began as all dungeons do, with long dark hallways. Not exactly Winter's favorite, but it was a good sign that he had some sort of control of this situation. Despite being so dark he could make out the walls with the little light given off by the magic embodied in the flimsy, cheap subway walls. Even parts of the wall were already broken up, decaying and falling apart the deeper he went. It seemed overgrown by the plant life that reclaimed its stay among the creepy fog and darkness. Hiding the potential horrors just beyond Winter's vision. Pipes run behind the walls and framework. Slowly drip down to their respective puddles. While the pipes from above gave off the foggy mist that covered the cheaply tiled floors of the subway hallway.

                The illusion of control was quickly lost, as he was caught off guard by an orange-furred beast only a minute after walking. Ducking just in time before a chunk of Winter's flesh was bitten off of him. Narrowly missing a bite from its steel jaws. The Raikan-like beast skidded across the ground, growling and snarling. Bearing its steel and white teeth. Winter rolled out of the way, just to find another Raikan trying to sink its teeth into the easy meal. He flipped over the Raikan, landing on his feet on the flank of the first large Raikan. "Screw it!" Winter exclaimed, pulling his right hand back and throwing as hard of a punch as he could against the Raikan's side. Spinning mid-air, its head slammed against the exposed steel framework. of the dungeon, buried into the pips. Just as its head was bitten by the cold pipes, a sudden rush of heated water and mist burnt the beast. It whimpered and barked in pain. The second beast stared at the other and began crawling. "Crap," he exhaled, summoning his daggers, as the first walked out from the misty fog. Half of its face burnt to a nice crispy brown. Together, the two steel-jawed wolves rushed towards Winter, lunging and biting at the poor boy. But, he wasn't the poor one anymore. Just as they lunged, he pushed himself off the ground, dodging the first bite and plunging his right dagger into the Raikan's head. The second Raikan moved in, biting at his side, catching only his already messy shirt, as he leaped over the first dragging his left dagger across the Raikan's back. It bites back at Winter, but with control over its face, he forced his dagger through its snout and split it down the middle. It wasn't centered at all, and it deeply bothered Winter looking at the beast's struggle for its last moments.

~>System<{" Level up!"}>It rang<~

                Winter's attention moved back to the second Raikan. It growled and barked at him, standing its ground. Promptly, Winter rushed towards its steeled jaws. Catching its bite with his left dagger, and plunged his dagger into its head. It struggled, trying to thrash his hand around, but Winter unsummoned his dagger and leaped over the Raikan. Dragging his right dagger across its back before landing on his feet behind the steel-jawed Raikan. It turned around, leaping at him, jaws wide. Winter faced his dagger down in front of him. The dagger caught the Raikan's skull, and with their strengths combined, he cut cleanly through the monster's skull, splitting it into two. It went limp, and fall lifeless against the already bloody floor.

~>System<{" Level up!"}>It rang<~

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