Exhausted Aftermath

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                The courtyard pillars were built using hard stones and expensive quarts. The hard ground was broken up in places and stained with blood. Much of the blood was Winter's, previously brutally beaten against the cracked walls and floor. Bashed and slammed against them aggressively by Bruce. But now it was Tyler who stood anxiously with her hands up feebly holding her guard. Blood ran from her nose and down her face. "What did you say?! Something about 'Perhaps your smug look can wash off,' right?" Winter asked through the mask, throwing a punch into her face. She staggered back, groaning in pain. Winter's wrath went unsatisfied, attacking Tyler mercilessly. "What... Is this fucker?!" Tyler thought, slammed by another punch.

Winter's ferocity and wrathful strength were immensely greater than Tyler's mere skill. She threw a right jab, and Winter stepped to the side, slamming his fist into her guy. She spat as the air rushed out of her lungs. She threw a left hook with the last of her strength from that lost breath. He hit Winter in the head despite his block. Stumbling back, Tyler closed the distance to attack Winter with this opening. With a swift blow to the jaw, she was pushed back. With guidance from his HUD, Winter knocked Tyler on her ass, bouncing and hitting her head against the hard stones. Her eyes meet the wall, and the broken hallway window is a story above them. Winter's first punch met her Discombobulated head. The right side of her face was imprinted on the wall, blood spraying from her mouth. In a ditch effort, she threw blind a punch at Winter. She struck him and pushed him back, enough time for her to get up. Winter pushed Tyler against the wall, just as she caught her balance. A punch lands in the center of Tyler's face, slamming the back of her head against the wall. Winter's left fist slams into Tyler's face into the wall towards the right. Then his right hook hit her head to the left, and then back to the center, breaking her nose with a loud crack. Falling to the ground, unconscious. Blood pooled under her seemingly lifeless body. Winter stood triumphing over her, breathing heavily. "Damn," Winter exclaimed through the mask, exhausted as his consciousness regained control over the body he possessed. "You're Welcome," Ultima commented. "Shut it," Winter replied, speaking to it. He limped to the front of the school—only a few yards from the bloody scene. Elijah followed, furious with the actions Winter made. Ignoring what Elijah was talking about for a minute, Winter walked into the grassy patch by the road. Elijah continued to lecture him about self-control and other topics. However, Winter ignored Elijah's words, as Winter was more focused on recovering from the bloody brawl that took place only minutes ago. Being a Mage-type Mystic, Winter chose the path of becoming a Druid.

"Druid Conjurers are often known to be hippies, and most are," Ultima explained. "But, those who lived the longest, and have experienced the true wonders of Druidry are like Winter-" It added "Often using the strength of Gaia, or any living planet to help the natural life," It began. "Abilities vary, but most are given the ability to pull mana, and energy from Gaia through living earth," It explained. "Can't I just rest? I've been beaten to hell and back," Winter sat down on the ground. "Did you not listen to me?! Winter! Look at the situation you just got yourself into! You're screwed!" Elijah was pissed. "How am I screwed? I was the victim here," Winter asks, confused briefly. "Cyrus is going to beat you to hell and back, then back to hell," Elijah explained with deep concern. "Great," Winter sighed, his head drooping down. Elisha came running over as if he had urgent news. "Cyrus is on his way!" He explained through heavy breaths. "Shit-" Winter quickly stood up- "I'll try talking to him," Elijah explained. "I don't think that'll do anything," Winter ran as Cyrus rounded the corner of the school.

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