The Ant Problem

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                "War? What kind?" Winter asks, "War against a powerful enemy that required the joint forces of the entire demon race-" Ez explained- "I have said more than I am allowed to say. This conversation will be terminated," she repeated robotically. "This happened to Baruka too, the System is getting involved with this conversation," Winter thought, "There must have been some kind of clue to that game from it," he added. "All of these things have a gamelike environment, so it wouldn't be far-fetched to assume that these monsters are just another element," Winter thought. "What kind of powerful enemy were you preparing to fight?" He asks, "Well-" she tried to speak, but only garbled sounds and intense sounds came from her attempt to explain what was happening- "Ez!" Winter watched as she fainted, melting down into a shadow before receding into his own. "This System is otherworldly. Is the System influencing me or the world at large?" he thought.

                Deep Within Flore, many men were sitting in a board meeting. Agent River stood in front of the government officials, and heads of agencies. He clicked on a remote at a screen to move through a picture catalog of the well roasted ant witnessed to tip over in the desert sun. "These are the only images of the Ant we have, the others are from the autopsy and cataloged information from the forensics team. This mutant ant appeared recently in the rural community of Wido, and died on the spot from the extreme heat," River explained. "Thanks to the harsh environment of the deserts of Wido, no one was harmed by this powerful monster," he added. An official sighed, and leaned forward over the desk, "You're saying that it's going to take at least one A-rank to kill one of these things?" They ask, "Yes, according to the blood work and autopsy, this monster was capable of prolonged flight and capable of sensing danger from several miles or even kilometers away," River replied. The officials mumbled and whisper to each other, "We estimate there could have been over two hundred civilian casualties. That's if these ants made it anywhere else-" River added- "These ants traveled over four thousand kilometers from Hawaii to this rural town. The Fact that the ant flew that far means they're more than capable of flying to the mainland," Sears explained. "If they are truly that kind of threat, we should gather a strike team!" An official suggested, just as someone came into the room.

                "Another strike team?" They ask, "Mr. President?" Mr. Sears asked, standing up. "Leonardo! Good to see you, my old friend. What is is about gathering a strike squad?" He asks, "A pleasure to see you again sir-" Mr. Sears smiled, but it quickly faded- "There has been an ant monster that has flown to the mainland from Hawaii. This one in particular was around A-rank," he explained. "That is serious, do you think you have enough S-ranks to finally clear the S-rank dungeon in Kauai?" The President asked, "I think we do," Mr. Sears nods. "Good, and you must know we are spread thin with our S-ranks. There have been high ranking Dungeons that opened up across the country this month. We don't have a lot of manpower to go around," he explained. "Yes, I am aware. I've come up with a list of whom I'll request personally to join in the raid," Mr. Sears explained. "Wonderful news. I knew that I could entrust you as the chairmen of the MDA," the President placed a hand on his old friend's shoulder briefly. He turned and left the boardroom, "I only have one person in mind, but at least it's a start of a list," Mr. Sears thought. He sighed as everyone stood up and prepared to leave. "Which of the regional heads of the MDA would come to our aid? Which Guilds?" Mr. Sears added though, "They have their own people to protect, and not to mention the increasing Dungeon rates are making this even harder," he sighed again, "What a headache," Mr. Sears mumbled. "Mr. Sears," River intruded his thought, stepping forward. "Yes, River?" He asks, "I didn't mention this in the meeting, but we've been contacted by two Mythics," River explained, leaning in to whisper the news. "Who called?" Mr. Sears asked, "First by Billy Bob, and the second by two National rank Mythics," River explained. They stepped out of the boardroom, and they together walked down the hallway. "To begin with, Mr. Bob's intentions are clear," Mr. Sears commented, "Yes, his target is Winter Greats, sir. Because of this, I've put in a request to deny his entry into Klato using the conflict with Mr. Finely as an excuse," River explained. "Good, now who are these National rank Mythics?" Mr. Sears asked, "The first was threatened by the ant's arrival in his hometown, and wants to show them what for," River replied. He steps towards the waiting room, where a handsome middle-aged man with shaggy black hair and a neatly trimmed black beard stood. Mr. Sears followed, "The second?" He asks, "The Scavenger's Guild master, they wish to speak under the matter of Billy Bob," River explained before they greeted the first National rank Mythic.

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