Part 14 (Have Faith)

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The following morning, the small group prepared to abandon the highway. Daryl wrote a sign for Sophia on the windscreen of a car whilst CJ helped Carol set up some food and supplies for the girl in the hopes she would find her way back.

They all piled into the RV and Daryl rode his bike and they set off to find the others at the farm.

As they drove through the gates, CJ looked around with wide eyes at the sight of the place. There were endless fields all fenced off, some had livestock, others were empty. There was a huge red barn with the doors locked up. Just up the small dirt road was a big, white farmhouse. The farm was untouched. It was as if it had been sheltered from all the horrors of the world.

Dale pulled up the RV and they all exited the vehicle. They were greeted by Rick, Lori and the others, along with the girl they met in the woods yesterday and an older, white-haired man.

"Glad you guys made it," Rick said.

"How's Carl doing?" Dale asked.

"He'll pull through," Lori smiled. "Thanks to Hershel and his people-"

"And Shane. We'd have lost Carl if not for him," Rick added quickly.

"How'd it happen?" CJ asked him.

Rick sighed. "Hunting accident. Just a... stupid accident."

"Can I go see him?"  CJ asked Lori. Now that they were here she was reminded of how worried she actually was about the boy.

"Yeah, of course," Lori replied with a smile. "He might be asleep though."

"I'll walk you over there," Hershel said. CJ nodded and smiled at the man before they both headed over to the house.

"I'm CJ," she introduced herself as they walked. "Thank you for what you did for Carl. And for letting us come here. You have a beautiful place."

"You're welcome. And thank you," he replied with a friendly smile as they walked up the steps to the porch. "I just wish Otis didn't have to lose his life for it," he added with a sad sigh.


"He was the one who shot the boy. He went with your friend to get the supplies we needed to save Carl. He didn't make it back," Hershel explained.

CJ was slightly puzzled. Based on what she was told, Otis was a hunter. He was out there alone when the accident with Carl happened which meant he must have been able to look after himself and take care of walkers without backup. So what could have happened out there that got him killed?

She pushed her doubts aside for now. After all, she could just be overthinking. Plus, she didn't trust Shane at all anyway so she figured that was probably clouding her judgement.

"I'm sorry. About your man," she said softly as Hershel lead her through the house to where Carl was lying in bed.

CJ gasped slightly at the sight of him lying there. He had always been so energetic and smiley back at the quarry camp. Seeing him like this hurt. He looked so pale. Even though he was asleep, he still looked tired. But he was going to be okay and that's all that mattered.

She went over to sit on the chair next to the bed and took his hand in hers, stroking his knuckles with her thumb. Her movements caused Carl to stir in his sleep and his eyes fluttered open.

"Hey kiddo," CJ whispered with a smile. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake ya."

"It's okay," he replied, his voice raspy and tired. A grin made it's way onto his face. "Guess what?"


"I saw a deer," he said, speaking a little louder than before. "It was so cool."

CJ chuckled quietly. "I bet it was. You should get back to sleep. Everyone is here for you," she nodded her head as she spoke.

Didn't See That Coming | The Walking Dead(1)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu