Part 92 (Mercy)

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Alexandria, Hilltop, and the Kingdom. Three communities that could have all lived in peace if it weren't for one man trying to rule the world. Negan.

The group had spent the last few days planning and preparing, not leaving any room for error. Daryl had even been going to the Sanctuary, keeping his distance to send messages and maps to Dwight by shooting arrows with the notes attached. Despite Daryl's hatred of the man, so far everything Dwight had given them information-wise had been true and helpful. Even Daryl had to admit that if they didn't have Dwight on their side, there was no way they'd be able to pull any of this off.

CJ and Daryl were up at the crack of dawn, ready to partake in the first part of the day's plan, which was to go down the list of lookouts from the Sanctuary provided by Dwight and take them out. The pair had split up about a mile back and headed to their locations. Daryl headed to a neighbourhood and CJ went out to the road.

The sun was barely rising, orange and pink haze floated above the ground as the morning chill warmed up. On finding herself in the right place, she silently snuck through the woods until she found what she was looking for. A telephone pole with a platform at the top, were one man stood looking over the road with a pistol and a radio in his hands. At the base of the pole was a single walker, clawing at the wood as if trying to reach the man. 

Crouching down out of sight, CJ took her bow off of her shoulder and pulled out an arrow. She pulled the string back and closed her left eye to get a clearer shot. With the unsuspecting Savior clueless as to what was happening, she let go of the arrow, and it flew up into the air and landed in the man's eye. His lifeless body fell from the platform, and the walker wasted no time in making a meal out of him.

CJ headed straight back the way she came, walking briskly until she found the place where herself and Daryl were meeting before they separated again. It was only a matter of minutes before Daryl showed up, and he nodded his head to her before she even had to ask is he found his target.

She pulled the list out of her pocket and crossed off the words 'Neighbourhood' and 'Telephone pole'. "Morgan got the one at the other place. We're good," she said, folding up the list and putting it back in her pocket.

"Tara and Carol should be headed to the bridge by now," he replied. "I'll head out now, meet up with Morgan and go find 'em."

"I'll get back home." CJ said with a nod. "Be safe out there."

"Shit, this is gonna be fun," he shrugged.

CJ smiled and shook her head. "No, it isn't."

"Better than lettin' things be though, right?" Daryl asked.

"Yeah," CJ replied. She put her hand on his upper arm and leant up to peck his lips. "Be careful."

"Yeah, you too," Daryl mumbled. She smiled and went to turn away when Daryl grabbed her wrist. "Hey."

She spun around and Daryl pulled her in for another kiss, only this one wasn't a quick peck like hers was. It was more like a promise; a promise that they'd be okay. He had one hand on her cheek and the other holding her hip. She smiled against his lips and wrapped her arms around his middle, pulling him closer and rubbing up and down his back.

When they pulled away, Daryl kissed the tip of her nose. "Okay, you can go now."

"After that, who says I wanna?" CJ smirked, getting up on her tiptoes and placing a kiss to his jaw.

"Shut up," Daryl chuckled, kissing her one more time and patting her ass before letting go of her.

"Alright, I'm going," CJ giggled, starting to walk away. "Love ya," she waved over her shoulder.

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