Part 45 (Negotiation)

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There was an eerily quiet atmosphere when they arrived at the rather rundown location. The once grey metal of the structures outside the small building were coated with orange and brown rust. A metallic scent radiated through the air.

It had been a few days since Andrea had come by to suggest a negotiation to settle the conflict between the two communities. Both Rick and the Governor had agreed to talk one-to-one in a location away from Woodbury and the prison.

Hershel waited in the car whilst Daryl, CJ and Rick scoped out the entire area. They crept around quickly and in silence, looking out for the Governor and his people in case they'd set them up for an attack.

The cabins and sheds were all crawling with overgrown grass and weeds. The wooden walls were rotting and breaking apart.

They came across no people or walkers and Rick signalled that he was going into the main cabin. Daryl and CJ both nodded in response and split up to continue checking the area. Daryl had his crossbow raised and CJ had her bow with an arrow at the ready.

After a few minutes, Daryl whistled to CJ to come over to the cabin. Peering through one of the many smashed windows, they she saw that the Governor was already in there. His hands were up in surrender and Rick had his gun pointed at him.

They watched for a few moments before CJ bumped Daryl's shoulder with hers. "C'mon," she whispered as she gestured for him to follow her back to Hershel.

They made their way back as Hershel was pulling the car closer to the structure. "He's already in there," Daryl told him. "Sat down with Rick."

"I don't see any cars," Hershel said.

"Yeah, it don't feel right," Daryl muttered as he looked around him. "Keep it runnin'."

CJ heard the faint sound of an engine and looked across the road to see a truck coming towards them. "Heads up," she warned as she raised her bow again.

The car came to a stop in front of them. Hershel got out of the car and Daryl stood beside CJ with his crossbow up. Andrea got out of the car along with two men. A Hispanic man with a sly look on his face and a taller guy with glasses and a checked shirt, who looked considerably more nervous than everyone else.

"What the hell, why is your boy already in there?" Daryl asked.

"He's here?" Andrea questioned.

"Yup," CJ answered.

With a huff, Andrea stormed off an went to find the Governor and Rick whilst the two men stayed put. Daryl and CJ lowered their weapons. CJ rested her bow on the bonnet of the car but kept a hand on the gun in her thigh holster. Daryl kept a hold of his crossbow.

After a while, no one had said anything. At first it was a tense silence, but it became almost boring. It was frustrating not knowing what Rick and the Governor were saying.

"Maybe I should go inside," Hershel suggested, breaking the silence.

"The Governor thought it best if he and Rick spoke privately," the man with the glasses replied.

"Who the hell are you?" CJ asked, tilting her head.

"Milton Mamet."

"Great. He brought his butler," Daryl quipped. CJ smiled at the ground and the Spanish man chuckled.

"I'm his advisor," Milton corrected.

"What kind of advice?"

Milton sighed before answering. "Planning. Biters. Uhh-you know, I'm sorry. I don't feel I need to explain myself to the henchmen."

Didn't See That Coming | The Walking Dead(1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin