Game Time

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I jump out of bed, early for a change. Last night after we got back, Fin texted me.

"Just talked to the lads. WE HAVE A PLAN. Meet me before school in our spot in the libary. Dan will be at your house at seven to pick you up. Yes seven. We have A LOT of talking to do. Thanks for the studying xxx"

Three freekin' kisses. THREE! okay over reacting. hes just a boy. A boy i dont even like. Not in that way anyway.

I throw my schol uniform on and glance at the clock. 10 to 7.

My fingers scatter makeup over my cheeks lightly and i brush hair so it lies smoothly over my shoulders and back.

My large, geeky but cool glasses whuch are lying on my bedside table are slid onto my nose and i run down the stairs.

"Why are you leaving so early, sweetheart?" My mums voice sound from the living room.

"Revenge" i whisper cryiptcly. I pick up my bag and run poutside, leaving my confused mother behind me.

I wait on the front lawn of our small, modern house for a few minutes before a shiney motobike rides around the corner.

The man on the moterbike stops in front of me and takes off his helmet. A swirl of ruffled, chocolate brown hair emerges.

"Hey darling" a deep voice rings into my ears.

"Hey Dan"

I walk towards the bike and Dan hands me a helmet.

Dan and I went back a long way. We were best friends in Primary but drifted apart. I pull the helment over my head and slide onto the bike, wrapping my arms around Dans waist. This feels alomost normal. We are practicly siblings.

Until only a few years ago, we were super close. best friends. Like twins really. But everyhting changed after the accident.

We stil have dinner party with him and his family but they are akward. Theres nothing to say.

Dan pulls off the break and we zoom around the corner. Thre wind swept my hair behind me, like a blonde banner. It takes shorter to get to school on the bike then it does by bus. Only ten minutes. The school is frankley deserted and together, Dan and myself walk into the school.

"How are you doing, Sophie. Its been a few years."

My eyes fill with tears. "Im...Im okay" I whisper, my voiced craking.

Dan slings and arm over my shoulder and pulls me into a sideways hug.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not here, Dan."

I feel the brotherly figure nod and push me through the door that leads to the libary. I see a table, crowded with boys. Four of them.

A blonde one looks up and grins widely at me.

"Floor girl!" Fin Harrow yells, erning a stern look from the librarian.

All the other boys smile at me.

"Im Ben" A attractive boy grins at me.

"Keith" A very tall, good looking boy smirks.

"Im Phil" another, handsome boy says.

"Im Sophie" I smile at all of the boys who say in unison.

"We know"

I blush and slide into the seat next to Keith.

"Okay Sophie, the plan"

I grin and glance at all of the boys in turn. Each of them look menising.

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