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Pretty Little Liars entertained me for the rest of the day. Ben and Jerry filled me up and Mum asked little to no questions when we came home. When I went upstairs to change out of my uniform and into some grey sweatpants and a baggy tee-shirt, I could here the hushed discussion between Gwen and my mother and I didn't mind.
My phone buzzed.
New Text from: Fin😗 Hey, look I'm sorry.
I ignored it.
My phone buzzed again
New text from: Fin😗 Sophie I'm sorry, she came onto me!
I scoffed . BUZZ... BUZZ.... BUZZ.....
Fin😗 is calling.
I sighed. I would have to face this one day.
"What" I said into the phone.
"Sophie I'm sorry" a Fins smooth voice echoes down the receiver.
"Don't even bother" I muttered.
"She came onto me! I tried to push her away!"
"Yeah that's what it looked like from where I was standing. Trying to get a good grip on her boobs so you could push away harder"
"Look Sophie, she nearly pushed me over, I put my hands out to steady myself"
"Sure you did, I'm guessing you just fell and ended up in her bed as well"
Fin sighed down the line "look that was the biggest mistake I have ever made. All the time I am with her, I can only think of you. Look, I know I'm a player. I take advantage of girls and that's a real shitty thing to do. But I have proper feeling for you Sophie. I like you. Yeah. I like you. I like you a lot"
Oh my shit p. He likes me Fin Freaking' Harrow like me. But I could not forgive him that easily. "You know what, Harrow, I used to like you. A lot. All your stupid book quotes are shoved in my brain and I love them. I could of loved you but I can't. Not just yet"
Then I hung up. Good job Sophie. Handled like a boss.
Gwen left very soon after we had finished series two and I went to bed not long after that. I changed my baggy tee for a tight, blue spaghetti strap vest. My pulled my hair into a ponytail and wiped off my makeup. The bed was comforting and warm. After reading about half of The Fault In Our Stars I went to sleep only to be waken a few hours later.
It can't be morning already?
Oh God!
My eyes steadily opened and rolled over to my alarm clock. One minute past midnight.
I growl and stand up. I walk to my window and pull open my curtains. Standing at the foot of my house is a beaming Fin Harrow.
I stifle and smile and heave the window open.
"We haven't studied in ages!" He calls.
"No we haven't. Want to start now? What's the square root of 361?"
Fin looks dumbstruck.
"Kiss my ass!" I call before going to close the window. I'm so mad at him right now and even though I liked him, I can't bare to face him and all his stupid arguments right now. Selfish cow.
"19" fin yells almost as the window is shut. I glance down at him. "The square root of 361 is 19"
"Wow, it looks like my lessons are paying off" I say.
"What I was right!"
"Yeah you were but it took you about two days to work out"
Fin smiles at me. "You know, I have never read Harry Potter" he says.
"Filthy little mud blood" I reply. Fin looks confused.
"I was going to say why don't you come down here and read it to me."
"What's in it for me?" I ask.
"Chocolate covered strawberries!"
I smile. "Give me two minutes"
"You don't need two minutes p, you looks fine how you are"
I smile and take Harry Potter form it's permanent stop on the bedside table. I also grab my glasses and quietly run down the stairs.
The air is surprisingly warm. Fin is sitting on the grass and motions for me to sit next to him. But instead of sitting I lie. Fin scoots over to my head and puts in in his lap. I begin reading and Fin plays with my hair.
"Mr and Mrs Dursley of number four Privit Drive..."
I read for a few hours. Together we eat all of the strawberries. When I reach the end of chapter ten, I stand up. And turn to face Fin. Fins perfect eyes search my face for a long time. Suddenly, his hands cup my face and he kisses me gently. After the shock had worn off, I slowly start to kiss back. Fins sweet tasting lips smile slightly.
"Are we okay now?" He whispers.
"Nearly" I mutter before pulling away, walking towards the door and locking myself in my warm house. A smile haunts my lips as I skip back to my room.
I run to the window and see Fin still standing there.
I quietly open the window. "Your an Idiot, Mr Harrow!" I yell. Fin looks around in surprise then sees me and smiles.
I close the window and draw the curtains.
Fin Harrow kissed me!
He kissed me.
Quickly I text Gwen.
Me: OMG Fin just showed up at my house.
Gwen replied almost immediately.
Gwen: and you ignored him?
Me: No I read to him and then he kissed me.
Gwen: OMG your an idiot.
Me: Those were our parting words.
I then turned my phone off and sunk into bed. But I couldn't sleep. My mind was consumed by Fin Harrow.
The bad boy and the nerd. Who would of ever thought it?
Not Zoe Greg thats for sure. She never saw it creeping up on her and boy will she get a shock when that lovely, perfect, dreamy fact pounces. But one I got I do know is that we all better be waiting to recording it because trust me p, it's going to go viral.

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