Feelings of bliss

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I rolled over in bed. That God for Saturday's.
My eyes creep open and I glare at the window.
Right that's it. I pull of my warm covers and storm to the window, not before checking my clock.
Half past bloody six. On a weekend. This should be illegal. I quickly heave back the floor length curtains and narrow my eyes. My vision is blurry. Que. glasses. I slide them onto my nose and begin to see the mad picture that is unfolding in front of me.
There stands none other then Fin Harrow. Next to him is a beaming Dan. The pair are standing on my front lawn, a pile of small pebbles I front of them. That explains the tapping.
Behind the two boys there are an ensomble of different mopeds and motorbikes. Ben leans on one of them, Gwen next to him and Keith and Phil seam to be in deep conversation behind my tree.
I pull open my window and start shouting unspeakable words down at the group. They all laugh.
"We're going on a road trip, princess!"
I roll my eyes "give me five minutes!" I yell before slamming the window shut and changing my Harry Potter Pjs for a pair of light blue skinny jeans and a white top with a light pink heart outline. I pull on a pair of white converse and tie my hair in a messy bun.
I brush my teeth and make the brave decision to go makeup free.
When I get downstairs, I scribble a note to my mother on a piece of paper and tape it to the kitchen counter. I quickly unplug my Iphone, slip it in my pocket and go outside.
"Floor girl!" Fin yells, pulling me into a tight hug. I Reuters it warmly and kiss him lightly on the cheek.
I then turn to Dan only to be confronted by a cheek which I kissed lightly. Then I turned to the other boys, and again was shown a wall of three cheeks p, each I kissed lightly.
"Hey, bitch, don't leave me out!" Gwen called and I ran to her kissing sloppily on the cheek.
"Eww!" She muttered and I laughed.
"Put this on!" Fin yelled, throwing me a light blue helmet. "Your conning with me!" He patted a red motorbike and I reluctantly slid onto the back.
"What's wrong princess?" He asked and I sighed.
"Nothing, nothing you just bette not crash this thing!"
Fin laughed and fastens the helmet under my chin. He then sat down and I snaked my arms around his waist what h felt awkward. I felt fin tense under my touch but he stayed put.
We watched as everyone got ready. Ben and Gwen flirting, the hushed conversation between Phil and Keith and Dan making jokes where ever possible.
My eyes linger on Phil and Keith. They seam to be discussing something very important. Keith stands closer to Phil and pleases his hand lightly on Phil's arm. Phil just shakes his head. He looks terribly upset.
"Hey" I mutter to Fin "what's happening with those to. They seam really distant."
"I have no idea" he replies.
I push that thought to the back of my mind as Phil mounts his moped, Keith sitting closely, maybe a little to closely, behind him. The thought that was pushed to the back of my mind reawakens.
Oh. My. God. There together. Keith and Phil. I squeal quietly and make a promise to myself to ask them about it when we reach wherever we are going. All the engines start at one and I catch a glimpse of Dan rapping off, then Ben following him, Gwen hugging him tightly. Then we speed off. I cling onto Fin for dear life. He laughs at my reaction as we zoom past street after street. We round many corners and zoom down what seams like hundreds of roads before we all pull up outside a forest. Fin doesn't leave the motorbike. I hear a Dan call something and fin shouts something in reply. He then looks back at Phil and Keith who have, due to the slower moped, just arrived. Phil puts up him thumb and we start up the engines again. This time, fin goes starlight for the forest. We race down a narrow path that the boys must know well. Finally we stop for good outside a small shack. I take my time unclipping my helmet and before I forget, I turn to Phil and Keith.
"Hey Sophie, do you mind if we can talk in private for a bit?" Phil asks before I even reach them. I narrow my eyes.
"Yes I do mind. What's going on guys?"
Phil rubs the back of his neck.
"Oh and don't you think about lying. I know what's happening" I say.
"You do?!" Keith blurts.
I nod "if I'm not much mistaken, I would say you two are together."
Both he boys blush. Phil sighs and walks towards the shack, leaving me and Keith together. I raise me eyebrows.
"We were together. He thinks it was just a phase. It wasn't. He can't face it."
I nod. "How long were youth getter for?" I ask.
"A few months. I love him, you know? I really do. Phil just texted me one day. He just wrote 'Keith, it was a phase. I was wrong. I'm not gay. I'm sorry. We are over.' At that was it. He knows he's gay. He know it. He's just scared of society." Keith lets a stray tear fall from his eye before continuing. "It was him that asked me to be with him in the first place. A few weeks before Fin pushed you over. He really likes you you know?" I blush. "He's crushing on you, your crushing on him. Just wait a few weeks and you will be an item, mark my words" I blush again and start walking towards the shack. Keith smiled and walked behind me. He pushed open the front door for me and what met my eyes took my breath away.
The first room that met me was larger then I expected. It was lined with a mix of comfy looking chairs. A small table sat in the middle and on that table stood a battered radio. Dan was currently messing with the knobs on the radio, trying to find a station. The walls of the shack were covered in posters, pictures and dark blue fairly lights.
Fin grin when he sees me and jumps up from an armchair he has claimed. He takes my hand and leads me around the shack, showing me the kitchen , which consists only of a dirty cooker and a kettle, and the bedroom which only has a small single bed placed in it.
"What is this place?" I ask as Fin finished the grand tour.
"We found it about ten years ago. I mean myself and Dan. Anyway we took it ad our own. It's our house really. I every time we come here, we have to check everyone's with us, just I case you know? That's why we were calling to each other before we came down the path. Checking everyone was okay because one of the first times we came here, people started chasing us. I don't know why. And apparently those people crashed the same day." My eyes burned with tears. If I was right, and I normally am, I know why they were being chased. But I just nodded. Fin grinned and started leading me to the main room.
We spent the day there. All seven of us, although Ben and Gwen dissapered for a few hours. We laughed and joked and feelings of bliss encased our minds. Everything was okay. I was happy.
I got home late that night. My mother greeted me, smiling at my smiling face and then I remembered what Fin told me about the chasing. Suddenly the tears started rolling.
"Baby, baby girl" my mother cooed in my hair as I ran to hug her.
"They saw them mum. Fin and Dan saw Dad and Billy the day they crashed. "
Mum looked at me with wide eyes. "They thought they were chasing them but they weren't." I sob into my mothers chest and she strokes my hair.
The rest of that night is spent with many Sherlock episodes and Ben And Jerry's. The feeling of bliss had dissapered and was replaced with feelings of emptiness.
Sleep took me away slowly and if was comforting. It left me until my thoughts had consumed my mind. To be honest, I preferred the feeling of bliss.

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