Punch above your weight

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The rain dribbles down my face, ruining the little amount of makeup I have on. Water trickles through my hair and makes it spin wildly out of control. This is a weird, sad metaphor for my mind.

I storm through the corridors. Word must of got out as I am greeted with a wall of dirty looks and "How could you!"s and "She's you best friend". Oh great people know about Gwen now to. Could my day get any worse? Apparently yes. Ben passes me in the corridor looking sick. "Do you know how low you've gone, Sophie?" he mutters as he passes me. I shake my head. "I didn't do anything" I whisper and he just glares before walking away, ashen faced.

Keith soon catches up with me.

"What happened?" He asks softly.
I take a deep, drawn out breath.
"I turned up and I was met with his and Zoe's make out session. They planned a little sex as well, by the way, we hadn't even broken up at St point and he was already making arrangements with the girl who broke us apart. Then I told him the truth, you know that I didn't kiss Mick and that Mick grabbed me and assaulted me and I backed this up with evidence that he could not question. But then I broke up with him. He's meeting her tonight Keith!" I finish, unknowingly screaming. A few heads turn towards me and a few heads turn sympathetic.

Keith grabs my shoulders and pulls me softly into his chest.

Then the water works start up again, spilling tears over my already pale cheeks. I sob quietly into my friend's chest as he strokes my hair. Now basically all of the dirty, disapproving looks have turned into sympathetic ones.

"It's okay. It's okay" Keith soothes and I sniffle before pulling back, only to see Fin Harrow himself swaggering towards me. Tow wannabe girls cling to each of his muscular arms.

His beautiful face softens when he sees me but not for long. A tough, sexy, cold look that I was so used to before he fell on me. And that hurts. It hurts like hell.

Fin is met with nothing. No wall of glares but who would try and stand up to the school crush/bad boy/hottie when it's much easier to blame the nerd? My eyes ill up again but to my surprise, Fin stops just a few meters from me.

"Girls I need to go. Homeroom calls. I'll see you-" Fin points to the blonde leach "At break and you_" Fin points to the brunette "At lunch." both of his hands reach down and squeeze the girls where shouldn't be allowed in public. The girls squeal and hurry away. I roll my eyes.

"hey floor girl!" Fins eyes glance me and I glare.

"Don't even breathe in my direction" I growl before waving goodbye to Keith and strutting away.

My glasses are steamed up but I don't bother to sort them out. Instead I whip out my phone and phone Gwen. I need to talk to her. I need to. So instead of going to Homeroom, I run to a deserted corridor and dial her number.


"Gwen don't you dare hang up on me. Hear me out okay?"


And then I explain everything. Everything that has happened and I don't miss a thing out because my best friend depends on it. When I have finished, the line is filled with silence. At first I think she's hung up but then a sob comes from the other end.

"I'm so sorry I ever doubted you" Gwen says softly. "I'm so, so bloody sorry. I didn't hear you out."

I smile softly. I have won her back. Shes my best friend and I got her back.

"Hey, its okay. Its fine, just tell Ben what happened. He kind of hates me"

Gwen laughs shakily. "I'm sorry about Fin" She whispers.

"So am I...Ime going to go now. Call Ben for me?"

"Yeah" And then the line goes dead. I simile and drop the phone back into my bag. The bell for homeroom went five minutes ago. I grin and come up with a simple plan. That's a lie. Its not a plan, its me sorting out my confidence.

My feet march towards homeroom and I bang open the door as soon as I get there.

The class all snap their heads in my direction as I walk in.

"Ben" I say strongly "Take you phone. Gwen needs to tell you the truth because the truth has been broken"

Ben stares at me, bewildered.
"Go!" I order and bed slowly stands up with his phone and walks out of the class.
Then I march to the front of the class.
"There have been things said about me. Things that are not true but unfortunately, people will jump to conclusions." I let my eyes longer on Fin. "They jump so high they don't look at what's underneath them and that's when things crash and burn.
"Let me set things straight. I did not bitch about my BEST FRIEND. I would never do that. I also did not cheat on my boyfriend. Oh you might not of known but myself and a well known hottie were an item for quite a while actually. But I did not cheat on this god like human. No no no. That stunt was pulled by a skank who is jealous and I'm afraid she's got the guy. My guy. But not any more. Now please I ask you to think about this. Think about this girl and this guy and try to work out who it is and please, give them hell from me" I smile sweetly and look proudly upon the dumbstruck group sitting in front of me.
Zoe's gum drops out her mouth and into her hair but she doesn't notice. Fins pencil falls out of his hand and his eyes are wide.
I strut through the class and sit on my normal place.
I punched above my weight and I know that now. And trust me, it will never happen again.


"Now please I ask you to think about this. Think about this girl and this guy and try to work out who it is and please, give them hell from me" Sophie straighten her glasses and puts a stand of hair back into its place. Her messy blonde hair falls down her back in such a way that makes me love her even more. Why is she so beautiful? Why does she make my want to run up to her right now and snog her flawless little face off? She's s bitch for making me feel this. But she's a fit bitch.
Sophie struts back to her seat, an awed silence fills the room. Suddenly the door bursts open and Ben charges through it, smiling ear to ear.
He runs to Sophie and lifts her up before hugging her so tightly, she almost goes purple. He whisper something in her ear which makes her grin happily. "Congratulations" she smiles. And I want to know what's happening but I can't because she hates me to the moon and back.
This morningI was heartbroken. I saw her kissing Mick. Or I thought I did. I made rash decisions but we never broke up so I thought we could fix things. But then I got taking with Zoe and I got carried away because I'm stupid. I'm an idiot. And then she showed me her bruises and the pain in her perfect eyes was to much to bare. She loved me. Loved.
One thing I know for sure is I can't go round to Zoe's tonight. One thing I'm almost sure about is that Sophie will never take me back. But it's worth a try right?

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