Lots Of Love

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Let day one of officially being Fin Harrows girlfriend commence! I take a deep breath and open the bedroom door. Nothing. That's what greats me. Nothing has changed for the world, a mere drop in the ocean is what has happened to the world, compared to a tsunami in mine.

Dan picks me up as usual and greets me with the biggest grin I have ever seen. "Fin told us last night" he says as I slide onto the bike. Together, we race to school, early as usual.

Phil runs up to me when we arrive. "Oh my god!" he practically yells.

"Shhh" I urge before nudging him lightly in the side. "Soooo... how's Keith?"

Phil glares at me. "It was a phase, alright. It was nothing I was wrong!"

"So you regret it?"

"Yes! I mean no I don't know"

"Doesn't sound like a phase to me!" I sing and Phil glares.

"Okay fine! You've got me! its not a phase and I really like Keith its just, I don't want to be gay"

"Tough" I say "You can't choose who you are but you can choose what you are and I'm afraid you have already chosen. You are Keith's boy. And you will have to cope with that and go after Keith because he loves you. He loves you and you broke his hear so I expect you to apologise to my friend and to the love of your life"

Phil sighs and nods before running to the door and to Keith. Without a second to think he jams his lips against Keith's and kisses him

I laugh and whoop before turning to Dan who is grinning even more. When he sees me he shrugs. "it was pretty obvious" he says and I smile.
The two boys break apart and Keith stares at Phil.
"I thought it was a phase" he says, out of breath.
Phil laughs and kisses Keith again.

Fin comes around the corner and stares , dumbstuck, at the two boys before clapping at them and smiling at me and coming over.

"hey beautiful" he mutters, close to my ear.

I blush and kiss his cheek.

"Hey, you two, watch out people are coming into school" Ben yells, i look up to see Ben but no Gwen Looking at my confused look Ben shrugs

"I knocked on her door and she told me to go away"

I frown and text her quickly, just to make sure shes okay.

"Hey Harrow, you free tonight" The high annoying voice that belongs to none other then Zoe Greg calls.

Fin glances down at me before turning to Zoe. "No Im sorry, I am otherwise engaged... Actually that's a lie, I am free I'm just not really up for a slut sundae"
I smile smugly.

"Well if your plans involve smartass here, cancel them. She has boys bumping into eachother to get her. Why have you when she can have boys like... well Im sure you will find out"

Zoes cackling laugh carrys away as the bitch waddles away. I stare after her. She's not taking away my boy.

"Boys like what?" Fin asks, his eyes stern.

I shrug, hurt tumbling out of me. "I dont know what she was talking about" Suddenly my phne rings. Gwen.

"Hello" I say.

"You bitch" Is the reply.

"What are you talking about?"

"How could you say that about me?"

"Sat what Gwen?"

"Mollie told me you said to her that I was pregant. She said half the school knows"

It clicked "She has boys bumping into each other" Zoe had said BUMPING. Bump. Baby bump. What a bitch.
"Gwen I have never said a word about that to anyone" I cried down the phone.
"Then who did?" She yelled back.
I sigh "Zoe. Zoe did. She must know I'm with Fin now. She's trying to ruin me"
Gwen scoffed "it's always Zoe's fault with you isn't it?"
"This time, yes it is!"
"Do you want to hear the worst part?" Gwen whispers.
"Yes" I croak.
"It's true. Sophie, I'm pregnant"
Oh shit. "Gwen I, coming over!" I say.
"No, stay at school, don't tell anyone. Come over tonight"
"Okay, I will. Gwen do you believe me. Do you believe it wasn't me?"
"Of course I do. Love you"
"I love you to"
"And if I decide to keep this stupid little baby, your its godmother"
"Okay" my eyes start welling up.
I hang up and turn to Fin.
"What's wrong?" He asks. I shake my head and fake his hand.
"We have science first, I could ask about the private lessons between you and me?"
Fin grins. "Sure

"So what your saying" says my whispy haired teacher "is that you think I should let you teach Fin Harrow because he would learn better from his peers and there is nothing you don't already know?"
I nod.
"Fine, anything go get him out of my class"
I grin and walk out of the room, taking Fin with me.
When we are out of the room, fin pushes me against a nearby wall and kisses me passionately.
"Studying?" He whispers once we break apart.
"Maybe next time" I mutter as I walk towards the deserted library.
The hour is spent with out hands wandering and our mouths working.
The day is spent with holding hands under tables and secret kissing in the corners. But it is also spent with dark glares from passing pupils. They heard the rumour. They must of done. None of my girlfriends talk to me. When I approach, I am greeted with a hard wall of fuming eyes and I back away. But what do they know? They know it's a rumour but none of them have asked if it is true. Fake friends.
When I go to look, he's already looking and it's the best feeling in the world.
When the final bell goes, I bid goodbye to my boyfriend and head towards Gwen's house but not before buying two large tubs of ice cream and a few movies. I have a feeling we will need them.

If beauty could be defined, it would be her. Perfect. Mine. When Zoe makes that snide remark, it pushes me out to sea, but seeing her hurt face brings me back imps and when she gets of he phone with Gwen, it breaks a heart. Nothing as beautiful as she should be upset.
Look at hat, the bad boy has gone all soft, and all over the nerdiest girl I have ever, ever met.
But nerds are cool. She is cool.

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