Bonus Chapter

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The emerald green dress skits around my feet as I try to put my hair in the up-do I have been practicing for weeks.
Finally it works! I turn to the mirror and admire myself . I have to admit, I look good!
The dress fits my slim figure perfectly and hugs my sides.
My blonde hair is in the up-do and my face is scattered with the perfect amount of makeup.
I smile softly at myself.
"Hey Sophie! Are you ready? I want a picture?" My mums voice sounds from down stairs.
I quickly slip my feet into the matching shoes and hurry down the stair case.
"Oh my darling. You look so beautiful!"
I grin at my mother as she snaps pictures of me.
Then the door bell rings.
Mum opens the door and standing there is Fin in a tux. His hair is combed to extremes and a red rose is stuffed in his button hole. But he grins as usual.
"My lady, I've come to take you to the ball. And by ball I mean to tacky year eleven prom"
I laugh as mum ushers him into the room.
"You look beautiful, Sophie. Stunning. Flawless. Outstanding" fin kisses me gently "mine"
"Pictures children!" She sings as Fin snakes his arm around my waist and I glance up at him. His eyes hold my universe.
The camera snaps before I can look down. I look to the front and it snaps again.
Fin pecks me on my ready lips before escorting me to his new motorcycle.
I jump on the back and pull the helmet over my head. Why did I waste time on that hair do?
My arms slink around Fins wasn't as we make the short journey to school.
Going to prom on a motorbike. Now that's something I never thought would happen.
The wind whips my dress around as we set off and I hear the unmistakable sound of a camera clicking behind me as we leave.
Soon we reach school and Fin parks up his motorbike right at the front so we are surrounded by laughing teens. Everyone goes quiet when we arrive. Apparently for the last few months, the school talking point has been who Fantastic Fins talking to prom.
Most of the school have no clue but a few are rooted on me and a a few more are set on Zoe. Which to me is stupid. I am his freaking girlfriend!
The teens mutter enthusiastically as the bike stops.
Fin gets off first before taking my hand and making me believe he intends on helping me slide gracefully off.
To my utter surprise Fin grabs my waist and hoists me into his arms.
He takes the chin of the helmet and yanks it of my head gently.
The crowed gasp when they see me but I just roll my eyes.
"Guys, we're together! He was always going to take me!"
The crowd laugh and clap as I take Fins arm and together we walk into the hall.
The hall is covered with gold and silver. The walls hold old pictures of all of us and is draped in beautiful drapes.
"It's not to bad" I mutter as we walk over to the photo station and join the queue.
The line moves fast and soon we are standing I front of a small man with greasy hair.
Fin holds my waist as we smile into the camera before the man hurried us along.
Fin and I circle the hall, looking at the pictures and taking bits of every food we can find and rating it out of ten.
"Fruit salad?" He asks.
I wrinkle my nose. "Too sour. Seven"
Fin shrugs. "I like bitter. Nine"
Before we even have chance to cut a slice of the chocolate cake, a hand taps me on the back.
I spin around to see Gwen in a beautiful lose fitting pink dress, in order to hide her ever growing bump, and Ben.
"Hey guys how are you three?" I ask, giving my best friend a quick hug and giving Ben a quick kiss on the cheek.
"We are okay I guess. Only one month left!" Gwen squeals excitedly and Ben smiles at her antics.
"Have you got names?" Fin asks. Of course the boys were told. Ben will need some support.
"For a girl, Poppy. For a boy, Will" Ben tells us I a hushed voice.
"Beautiful" I say, smiling.
Ben nods "Come on let's dance" he says the Gwen who nods and let's him lead her onto the dance floor.
Then someone else swaggers up to us. Someone I was not so happy to see.
"Smartass, I want a a word with Finny" the voice of Zoe Greg reaches my ears. And I glance across the see Zoe's hand presses suggestively against Fins shirt, her manicured fingers playing with the buttons. Fin stands stiffly, more worried about my response then anything else.
I purse my lips and shake my head slowly. "Nope... No I don't think so" I say. "You see, the thing with relationships is there is commitment. The thing with commitment is that the person your committed to will not sleep around like you. That's the rules"
Zoe glares at me. "But he loves me. Your just getting in the way."
Fin smirks and bends down to her ear height and whispers, just so only myself and Zoe can hear. "Remember that slap? It's heading your way" and before either of us can comprehend what he said, Fin has straightened up and slapped Zoe straight across her cheeks.
I gasp before grabbing Fins hand. I raise my eyebrows and he just grins before taking my waist and floating away from the shocked and sobbing Zoe.
"You slapped her before?" I ask, suddenly making sense of this words and he nods.
"Let's dance?"
I nod this time and follow fin the the dance floor. As if we are in the movies, the song changes to a slow one and I wrap my arms around a Fins body. He does the same to me and we sway together.
He hums softly to the song which makes me smile.
"Your out of tune" I mutter. The humming continues. I smile. "I'll have to think of a better way to shut you up" I whisper before kissing him.
The humming stops. And that moment made us beautiful. More than ever.

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