This is the end

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This is the end of a love story. A love story that loves us. And we love it.
Fin Harrow loves me. I know this because of everything we have been through, he loves me.
This is a love that I believed only existed in my wildest dreams.
The nerd fell for the school sweetheart. And thats how I look at it. He didn't fall for me. I fell for him over and over again.
And whether that was a mistake, I don't know. But I don't care.
Fin got discharged from hospital three days later. He hobbled out of hospital a few days before exams, crutches clutched tight ting in his hands and a lopsided grin on his face.
"Hey floor girl! I might need some extra tutoring" he yelled from the hospital doors.
I looked up and smiled as he went as quickly as he could towards me. I lean against the bonnet of mums car and wait for him. He soon reached me and put his hands either side of me. And then we kissed. A long slow kiss.
"I have time tonight" I said when we broke apart.
Fin grinned and pulled open the car door before sliding into the back seat.
I smile to and slide next to him.
"Nice to see you Fin!" My mother calls from the drivers seat.
"And you Mrs Tyler!"
Mum smirks from the front seat. "Please, call me Sally" and with then she floors the acceleration and we zoom out from the hospital.
"Hey, stay over at mine?" I whisper in a Fins ear as we zoom around the streets.
Fin smiles a coy smile. "Sure thing baby" he mutters before kissing my neck gently.
The drive home is short and sweet. As soon as we arrive at home mum opens the door of the house but then gets back into her car.
"I've got a date and then I'm going to see Gran. I'll be back late tomorrow. You can look after yourselves I'm sure" and with that the ford speeds of around the corner.
"Damn, Sally's got style" fin mutter close to mum collar bone.
"She sure does" I whisper and then I kiss him.
His vinalla seat creams into my nose as I take in the taste of chocolate on his lips.
Fins hand rests on the small of my back and I
His other one is just behind my head.
We kiss for a long time.
"Damn, I love you" Fin mutters, breathless.
"I love you to but I swear if you so much as breathe in the general direction of Zoe Greg again, I'll beat your perfect little ass"
Fin laughs and as if on cue, his phone rings. I take it out of his back pocket and smirk at the caller ID.
I answer the phone.
"Hey Finny, it's Zoe, but you already knew that. I heard about you getting out today and wondered what you were up to, if you get my drift" A snotty voice greets my ear.
"This is Sophie. Yeah, your right, Fins out of hospital and I'm afraid he's about to have the best sex he could ever dream of with me so he's kind of busy"
"Why in Gods name would he have sex with you?"
"Because I'm his bloody girlfriend you absolute slut!" I yell down the receiver before slamming the end call button.
I blow a piece of hair out of my face and calmly hand the phone back to Fin who is smirking happily. "Was that true?" He asks.
"You bet your bloody ass" I breathe before slamming my lips against him.
I walk into the house, Fin still attached to me.
And the rest is private. Secret so to speak buts it's also the end of our teenage love after that, we were adults.
The trying is over because I know I have him. And he knows it to.
That, in the grand scheme of things, is but a drop in the ocean. But to us it shook the whole bloody world.
Now who could of thought that one stupid push into the nerd would of caused so much. So much anger. So much love. So much hate. Yet it did. And in the end, a punch above your weight is worth it.
Not many people privilege what's it's like to have someone love you no matter what. But I had that. So did Fin.

Here's to forever


Okay so this is the end of the main story. Okay I'm sorry it's quite short but I like it. There will NOT be a sequel but I am going to add a few bonus chapters and a epilogue if that's alright.

Thank you so much for reading.

Lots and lots and lots of love



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