Group Chat

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I wake late on Sunday morning to my phone over flowing with notifications It seams I have been put into a group chat.

I slide left and scroll down the notifications.

Fin: Good morning my lovelys

Dan: Gay af

Ben: Says you

Keith: guys can we stop talking about gayness

Gwen; You idiots woke me up

Ben: morning Beautiful

Fin: get in there Benny boy

Ben: Shut up you prick

Dan: You should of had your notifications of silent Gwen

Gwen: Im sorry, i didnt know i would be put in a chat with a group of gossiping woman

Phil: Fin u idiot, u know i hate group chats

Fin: Phil my love

Keith: Moring Phil

Dan : No sign of Sophie then?

Ben: Afraid not she looked pretty sad when we left her last night

Gwen: Yh she did, I will Text her

NEW TRXT FROM GWEN THE SEXY BEAST: hey sweetie, u looked pretty upset last night

I quickly replyed with: No im okay

Before quickly looking back at the group chat

Fin: OMG shes still not awake!

Dan: Aww is lickle Finnyfoofoo missing his gf?!

Fin:Shes not my gf

Keith:But you not deniying you miss her.

Phil: aww bless him!

Gwen: to be honest, it's only half nine, she's normally still asleep at this time

Fin: lazy!


Fin: she's still not awake, do you think she's dead?

Phil: should we send around an ambulance?

Keith: give her another hour and then send Dan round.

Fin: why Dan?

Dan: yeah, why me?

Keith: your family friends aren't you?

Dan: yeah I suppose.

The boys and Gwen continued chatting shit for about half and hour before I send a message.
Me: morning!

Fin: morning princess.

Ben: have you just woken up.

Me: yeah

Gwen: lazy shit

Me: flirty bitch

Gwen: says you

Fin: there there ladies.

Me: I need to go study

Keith: what a surprise

Phil: as per usual

Dan: really, I had no idea

Fin: It won't be the same without me will it princess?

Me: bye guys.

In actual fact, I was never going to study. Instead I got out of my warm bed and slumped downstairs.
Mum made me some toast and then looked me straight in the eye.
"Three years today" she whispered and I nodded. "Shall we go visit?"
I nodded again. "I'm going to dress up, dad would like it"
Mum smiled softly "so would Billy"
I wolfed down my toast.
The stairs slipped under my feet and I reached my bedroom. A haven of simplicity. The white double bed was shrouded in cream cover and above it hung a family photo. My desk was against the far wall and was littered with pieces of information and revision tips.
A string of fairy lights wove Arne the end wall which held hundreds of photos of good memory's.
I them remembered the pictures that were taken yesterday.
A selfie from my phone which I uploaded to my laptop and quickly printed of before sticking it to the wall.
The picture held half of my earning face. Fin was hugging me from behind . Ben was next to him, Gwen on his back. Dan was a pouting next to Ben and Keith and Phil stood awkwardly. Next to each other.
I loved it so I sent it on the group chat. Every one else seamed to love it too.
I then pulled my phone from my grasp and looked rough my wardrobe for the dress.
Finally I find it. A plain white, lace dress that comes to just above my knee. I then find a thick, light brown leather belt and fasten it around my waist. The necklace that Billy bought me is strung around me neck. A plain chair with a daisy charm in the middle of it.
I find a pair of shoes that go with the dress and dust my face with makeup.
Mum waits for me at the bottom of the stairs. She to has dressed up in a dark blue dress and bright red lip stick.
"You look nice mum" I say as I reach the bottom of the stairs. She smiles. "So do you my darling"
We get in the car and drive in silence to the church, the music from the radio seams to block me from everything else but my thoughts.
After a quick drive we reach the church. The car park is deserted apart from a brand new Land Rover, a busted up Ford and a very familiar red motorbike. Fins here. Oh great. I then pray to the Lord that I don't see him and depart hand in hand with my mum.
Soon we find the two gravestones we have been looking for.
"Kevin Tyler" on of them reads "1st March 1969-12th April 2012. A beloved husband, father,son and brother."
The head stone next to my fathers is slightly smaller.
"Billy Tyler" it says "23rd January 1990-12th April 2012. A beloved brother, son and grandson."
My dad and my brother. Dead. A single tear leaked from my eyes as I place down a single rose on each of the headstones. My mother stands, sobbing beside me. I pull her into a tight hug and let out my tears. I feel the mascara run down my cheeks but I don't care. How can I care? Three years it's been and I miss them. I miss them more then ever. I miss having a dad to comfort me and tell jokes and dance and I will miss having someone to walk me down the isle.
I miss my brother vesting me in every game imaginable and tell me that he will beat up who ever hurts me even though he never will and I will miss my children having an uncle.
Slowly my mother pulls away and drys her tears.
"I loved him, you know that? I have an idiotic moment and my god do I regret it."
I nod. My mum walks over to her grandmas grave and starts paying her respects.
I sit on the grass in front of the graves and stare. Suddenly I feel someone behind me. Fin Harrow. Great.
"Hey" he says. I smile.
"Who's this?" He asks.
"My dad and my brother."
"How did it... You know?"
I take a deep breath. I should tell him. I can trust him. But I can't.
"Ill tell you soon" I whisper and he nods.
"I'll see you tomorrow" he says and he then walks away but instead of letting him go, I follow him and take his hand. His blue eyes meet mine. They mind flicks through his perfect features. His funny remarks. His flawless personality. Oh my god. I like him. I like Fin Harrow. Shit.

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