A quick one from Zoe Greg

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So I suppose that's my plan down the drain. In the best way possible. I broke them apart quicker then lightning strikes. One things for certain, Fin Harrow and Sophie Tyler will never set so much as a finger on each other ever again. Aha. To be honest. Fins pretty good in bed. And that privilege belongs to me. And only me.
Although I broke little Sophie's heart when I kissed Fin is morning, it was all worth it. I saw her come Round the corner and I thought to myself "when better to break her?" So I jumped, kissing him and to my surprise, he must of enjoyed it. His hands were all over me. And it felt good. But then he slapped me. Full on across the face.
Oh well.What's that saying? No pain no gain. Well to be honest, I could not agree more.
Fin will love me. He already does I'm sure, but he just doesn't quite know how to show it other then fool around with Smartass. Well not anymore. I'm going to make sure the little reputation she has is ruined and I will make sure that Fin falls for me.
It's all in the plan, you see. All of it is in the new pan. It's all worked out. Every last bit.

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