Two ways

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Just to say this chapter is dedicated to JadeLynn737 because she was the first person to comment on this story so... Thanks xxx

Tuesday morning. Oh joy. Slowly, I craw from he deepest pits of my warm bed and into the chilly bedroom. The brush rips rough my hair and I apply a small amount of makeup because Fin said small amounts are better. En I put my hair in a messy bun because Fin said that it makes my face stand out even more. In a good way. Then I put on my glasses and brush my teeth. I grab a piece of toast from the kitchen counter and fun outside to see Dan smiling and revving his engine.

I grin and hop on the back of the bike taking the helmet from Dan. We zoom to school and I have the feeling that it's going to be a good day.

The school is barely open but I can see all he other boys bike propped up against the wall, padlocks making them secure. Me and Dan begin walking towards the school but then the other boys come out. That's weird. They normally meet up in the library. Gwen is wrapped around Ben's arm which is cute. But she looks stormy and so do the rest of the boys. All except Fin who looks guilty.

"Tell her!" Phil demands.

"Yeah!" Keith chimes in. The two boys glance at each other awkwardly.

My eyes trail to Fin who meets my eyes for a split second before glancing at his feet.

"Fin, what happened?"

Fin gulps. Gwen punches him in the stomach making him groan slightly. "I'll do much worse if you don't tell her" Gwen hisses in his ear.

Fin grimaces. "Ihadsexwithzoe" he muttered. I didn't hear a word.


"I had sex with Zoe" Fin never looked at me.

Oh shit. My stomach drops about 100 feet and it feels like my heart has just been grown into the salty sea, kicked in the ass and chucked of a cliff before being returned to my body but still leaving a gaping hole from where it had been taken out in the first place. Oh shit. "That wasn't in the plan" I whisper. My eyes start stinging.

"I know"

I gulp and stare at the top of fins perfect head. "Why would you do that" I whisper-yell. "You know how she bully's me. She makes each day a living hell and I can't deal with her. That's why we came up with the plan. You said you would get flirty. Maybe some small kisses. Then you go and have freaking sex with her?!" My voice rises every syllable.

Fin shuffled. "I kissed her yesterday morning as well" he sighs.

"How long was the kiss?" I demand.

"About a minute." He replies.

"A minute! Oh my god. Small kisses... Suck my dick." I can feel the tears really welling up. "You know what Fin Harrow?" I yell this. "I thought I could trust you. I though we had something. I thought you actually cared about me. Do you remember "here's to forever"? Yeah well I'm afraid forever has been cut short. Don't ever come near me again!" Tears are rolling down my face and I don't bother to wipe them. At my words Fins head snaps upwards.

"No please, Sophie! Please don't leave!" But it's to late. I storm away, Gwen close behind me. I run to the girls toilet that no one uses and sing to the floor. Sobs rattle through my body leaving me shaking and moaning.

"Hey, hey it's okay" Gwen's voice calms me a little. "He's a dick. It will be okay"

I look up and smile at my best friend. "Why am I taking this so badly. I don't own him he can sleep with whoever he wants!"

Gwen smiles softly. "Because you like him" she says. Oh shit. I like fin Harrow. Oh shit.

I cry for a little while longer before standing up and thanking God I didn't put much makeup on this morning. But I should be thanking Fin. He told me less makeup looks better.

"I don't want to go into school" I whisper.

Gwen chuckles. "Don't worry about that. I phoned your mum, who phoned the school. You have already missed first period anyway. Oh and by the way, I'm coming home with you"

I grin at my best friend. I dust myself down and start preparing for the moment when I will have to walk past the doors in order to go home. The exit is just the other side of them. That means Fin could still be there and i would have to see him. Oh joy.


Sophie runs away, tears leaking from her eyes. I'm an idiot.

I glance at Dan who glares at me.

"Your an idiot" he growls.

"Your a dick head" Phil mutters.

"Why would you do it?" Keith says.

"Yeah, it's practically cheating. You both like each other."

What! She likes me! "What!?" I yell. Dan snorts.

"Yeah its pretty clear to see. she never takes her eyes of you. And when her eyes are off you for some rare and wrid reson, your eyes are on her!"

Oh shit. I've really mucked up Suddenly Bens phone starts ringing.

"hey babe" He says into the machine "yeah.... Okay......Sure......Aww bless her!.....Okay......Yep.......Hes and idiot really.......Alright bye!" He then hangs up.

"Sophies going home" He says, staright at me "Gwen told me that she couldnt bare the amount of slack she was going to get from Zoe. Gwen also told me she is still crying her eyes out!You have really mucked up this time mate!"

I sighed and started walking away from the boys, but then a wirlwind hit me.

"hey babe!" Zoe Greg. Great.

"Piss off you slut" I muttered, pushing the leach away from me. Zoe stared, dumbstruck at me. She then in the other direction before smirking and runnig towards me, smashing her lips into mine. I try to push away but i cant. Her overly lipsticked mouth forces my lips to move with them. She grabs onto my hair and forces me closer to her. I reach out to stedy myself and my palms come into contact with her breasts. oh great. Now this looks like I want to feel her up and snog her into oblivion.

Finally i mangage to pull away and I look to my friends who all have a deadly look thrown onto their faces. But even worse then that, Sophie is standing just a few meters away, tears running silently down her face. The she runs, Gwen glares at my before chasing after her.

I look at the boys who have all dissapered leaving only Zoe, her group of loyal followers and me.

The rage fills me up and boils over the edge. Without thinking I reach out and slap Zoe full on across the face. The noise of skin upon skin echos around the corridor. When I take my hand away i see a mark streching across her face I smirk and storm away.


I see Zoe talking to Fin as I reach the front of schol. Zoe glances in my direction before running at Fin. She kisses him hard and to my utter suprise, he kisses back. After all of this, he's kissing her. His lips are working in sync with Zoes and suddenly, his hands are on her tits. No. I can't. My tears spill out of my eyes and when they break apart, he looks at me. No. I can't. There goes my heart again. Out of my chest and over the cliff. But this time, it hasnt been retured. This time, I can't cope. I sprint away, my legs caring me as fast as they can. I can hear Gwen running after me but I cant stop. Finally I fall down, tears still streaming down my face.

Gwen catches me in a tight hug.

"I thought he cared" I whisper.

"Hes a dick" Gwen says firmly. "But i know two guys that are not dicks. Mr Ben and Mr Jerry. Also we are only on episode 6 of Pretty Litte Liars so Netflix here we come!"

I smile softly and Gwen helps me up. Together we walk back to mine talking about everything but Fin Bloody Harrow.

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