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Finally I dry my tears and glance at Keith.
"Tell me what happened" he says as he leads me towards a bench.
I sit down and explain in detail about the texting through to Mick kissing me through to Fin seeing me through to Zoe planning it all.
"And now Fin hates me"
Keith looks thoughtful for a while before saying.
"Call Gwen. Call her now and find out why as happening with you two then come back here. I'll be waiting"
It's the best idea I have so I stand up and call Gwen.
She picks up.
"You know, I thought you were telling the truth last night!" Her voice pounds into my ear drums.
"What!? I was telling the truth!"
"Really, you think I believe that!?"
"Well yeah, I really I am!"
"Wait a second let me read out a text I got sent to me by an anonymous number a few hours after you left last night... You whore. I can't believe you would do this to Ben. Go die in a hole you skank"
"What?! Why would some one say that to you?"
"Oh there is more. This was sent by Zoe Greg to me on Facebook. I heard about your pregnant problem. Well the whole school practically knows. We all also know you had a one night thing with another man and that this mad the father. How could you do this to Ben! Your a slut. And then a few minutes later she sent another one going "oh and by the way, Sophie told everyone" how could you do this Sophie! Ben has broken up with me! I'm alone and I hate myself. Do you know how many texts and messages I have been getting?!" Gwen is now crying hysterically down the phone.
I gasp in shock. "Gwen I promise, I haven't done anything! I haven't!"
"Like I would believe that again." Then the line goes dead.
My hand drops limply to the side and I walk stiffly towards Keith.
"Did she tell you?" He asks and I nod slowly. A lone tear trickels down my cheek. I'm broken. The two people I cared most about in the world have left me. And I can't do anything.
"You need to talk to Fin" Keith says finally.
I nod and absentmindedly punch his number into my phone.
It rings pence before he picks up.
"Meet me in five mins by the old tree out the back. I need to talk to you" fins voice says down the phone before the line goes dead.
Slowly, I pick up my bag.
"I'm going to talk to Fin" I say to Keith before walking round the back.
I meet no one on my way which is a good thing. I can't deal with stares or whispers.
Finally I found the last corner and I see Fin by the tree. Then I see a girl going to talk to him. I girl I would recognise anywhere are Zoe.
So I stay out of sight, wanting to witness this exchange.
She talks to him. He talks back but then his hand is around her waist and he is pulling her towards him. Then they are kissing. A slow passionate kiss. I gasp, my heart sinks. We haven't even broken up yet and he's kissing her. He's kissing her!!
I creep forward just enough to hear what is said after the kiss.
"I think I'm ready for round two" fin says when they break apart.
"My parents are not home tonight" Zoe says. "Come by at six"
And with that she walks away, her skirt looking much shorter then it did when she first arrived.
Rage burns in the pit of my stomach and I march forward.
"Fin Harrow!" I scream, tears flowing freely from my eyes.
"Mick grabbed me and kisses me and groped me and I didn't want him to! He assaulted me!"
Fin looks started towards me and try's to rub his lips to free himself from any of the bright red lipstick Zoe might of left from her little trip.
"Prove it!" Fin calls and I shake my head is disbelieve.
But then I have and idea.
I stand right in front of him and throw my bag at his feet. Then I take off my jumper.
"Hey, hey, hey what are you doing?!" He asks.
I roll my eyes. "I'm trying to pleasure my boyfriend in the middle of school." I say sarcastically before unbuttoning the first few buttons on my shirt.
I pull down the shoulder to ravel what I hoped would be there. A large, hand shaped Bruins is forming all over my shoulder and upper arm.
"Now do you think" I mutter "that if I wanted him to molest me, I would I let him give me these bruises."
Fin looks dumbstruck at my shoulder. "Okay" he mutters "I believe you" he moves towards me, like he wants to kiss me but I move away.
"I saw you with Zoe. Enjoy tonight by the way"
I glare the the boy in front of me bored rep adding "and she is dragging my name is shit so anything she says about me isn't true. Oh and we are over"
I shake my head slowly and pick up my bag before running away and lowly it always does when some one is upset, the rain started to fall.

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