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 "Strange human." I feel chills running through my body as a low, deep voice speaks. "I don't know why you protected me when you are so fragile yourself."

I remember being carried after falling from a cliff with a strange creature in my arms. My body hurt and I could barely feel my arms. Was it broken?

My consciousness was coming in and out of focus. I could feel the warmth of the man carrying me in his arms, but who was he?

I tried to focus, but I was too delirious. I must have had a concussion at that time.

But even so, I remember how gentle he was when he walked, like he was afraid that he might trigger my injuries.

"This is as far as I can go. I cannot let myself be seen by humans." I felt him set me down on the ground, carefully on soft grass. Why was he speaking so strangely? Who is he?

I tried to focus and open my eyes, but all I saw was just a blurred image before me as I could not open my lids fully.

I felt him gently holding my hand. "I'm sorry for biting you. I thought that you were like the others. One of these days, I will repay my debt." Soft lips planted themselves on the back of my hand. It felt cool and burning at the same time like something was settling on my skin.

"When the time comes, I will find you and claim you."

There were stories about fairies, specifically about seelies and unseelies, foretold by my grandparents. My grandma always tells me that if I see some strange creature in the woods, I should not look or engage with it because it might be a fairy lurking about in the woods.

I didn't know what was happening at that time, but two years later, I soon realized that it was the time that I got a mark.

A mark from an unseelie fairy, an evil race of the fairies.

But that wasn't just a normal unseelie that left the mark. It was a mark left by an unseelie prince.

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