Chapter 17 Fairy Book

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Chapter 17 

Days have passed since Zhier and I returned for the market. Since then, I have begun to study rigorously. With Faragon's help, I am now able to read a few fairy letters; and if i have my cheat sheet with me, I can now decipher fairy language. Though I admit that it may take some time, at least it was progress.

Faragon is out aiding the King and Queen. Zhier, as per usual, is handling his duty as a prince outside the safety of the palace. I am in the library with Jade, which is really fortunate that they allowed an emerald beast in here.

"The Seelie Court is a tranquil place, full of verdant vegetation and friendly inhabitants. The forest's music is a mantra for health and longevity, reviving locals' minds and bodies so they can enjoy long, happy lives."

I read the passage that I copied from a book, wondering if I made any errors in translating it.

The translation appears to be correct, but the description is strange. It's nothing like the seelie realm I'm in. The songs of the forest? Last I check, it either puts you in a trans or leave you at death's door.

Perhaps, I should try translating another passage, but the outcome is still the same. Maybe it's because I am viewing it from a human's point of view that it feels off to me. According to the book, it just keeps on saying the opposite.

The seelie realm is supposed to be a joyful environment full of music, dancing, and laughter.

"I feel like I am getting scammed here." I lay my head on the heaps of papers on the table, feeling like giving up. Hearing Jade look at one of the reflective surfaces of a decorative pot, I thought about looking for a book about emerald beasts. I remember Zhier telling me that they are not vain creatures.

From working with my mom and often helping her take care of animals, I learned that there's always a certain explanation for animals's weird behaviour. Jade doesn't seem stressed or crazy when looking at his reflection. In fact, I believe that he looks happy.

I searched the catalogs for mythical creatures until I found a section that led me to where I could find a book that contained information about Emerald Beasts.

"Alright, you little troll." I say, looking at Jade, who seems to notice me talking to him. His green eyes were looking at me curiously, along with a slight tilt of his head. He starts to wag his tail and comes to sit at my side. I give him a short pat on the head. "I think that it is about time to see why you are so in love with your reflection."

I turn the pages of the book. I already written down in fairy letters the words for 'Emerald Beast'. I check the table of contents first and follow along the lines until I see the familiar lettering that I am looking for. The seelie symbols for their numbering are easy to memorize, which is why I am able to quickly find and turn to the page that I am looking for.

I pull out my cheat sheet before I start to translate information from the book.

According to what I have gathered so far, it seems like Emerald Beasts were popular among the Seelie Court as pets. They are very loyal creatures who would always follow their masters.

I place my hand on my chin, thinking that I have yet to read another strange fact.

Isn't Klovis Jade's master? Klovis is an Unseelie and yet why does the book say that Emerald Beasts are popular among the Seelie court? I don't even think that I have seen an emerald beast in the palace aside from Jade.

I start to translate a few passages, reading more about the common traits and behaviors of emerald beasts. Though I have translated a very long list of lines regarding them, they never once say anything about the creature being fascinated by its reflection. I don't see anything regarding its interest in shiny objects as well.

"That vanity of yours must be something unique." I say, slumping on my chair. Jade must have thought that I was inviting him to jump and sit on my lap, because that's exactly what he did. I start to brush his fur with my finger as I start to relax. "They say that animals often copy the personalities of the ones that raise them. I wonder if you're the same?"

Jade's ears suddenly perked up, which alerted me as well. I don't know why he is displaying such behavior. Jade suddenly jumps on the table and makes a beeline for another reflective surface on a certain golden flower pot. In his haste, he sends the papers that I had so carefully compiled into the air. While I stare with a broken heart at all the mess on the ground, Jade is joyously staring at his reflection.

The feelings that I have right now, I can't really say anything nice about. It's no question that I am angry. My cheat sheet is ruined along with the other translation that I carefully organized per topic, and what did that mutt do? It just ruined it all!

That's it. That will be the last straw!

I march up behind Jade, putting my hands on my hips and making sure that I display a very disapproving expression. Someone needs to correct this behavior of his. If Klovis won't, then I will. I don't want any spoiled pups under my care.

"Jade, listens. About your–" Whatever I was going to say next dies at the back of my throat as soon as I lay eyes on the reflective surface of the vase. It could just be my imagination, but for a brief moment, I feel like something starts to move behind it.

What the actual bloody hell!

Zhier's warnings about mirrors flashed at the back of my mind, so I quickly grabbed Jade away from it.

Zhier said something about mirrors, but mirrors are technically reflective surfaces. Does the curse that Zhier talked about also have the ability to be transmitted through anything that reflects light?

Maybe I should do some reading on mirrors, just to be sure.

But not right now. What I just saw scared the living shit out of me, and I don't think that I want to spend another minute in this place.

Despite Jade's unruly behavior, I left the library.

During my stay here, I have become a little accustomed to the place and also learned a thing or two about Zhier's schedule. Judging from where the sun is pointed, he should be heading to the library to visit me. Since I already left, I decided to just wait for him outside.

I waited, but it seems like Zhier is a little late. When that happens, he often has an emergency to get to, so it might probably take a while for him to come.

I suppose I should head back to my room.

"I still need to make a new cheat sheet, and it is all thanks to you." I scowl at Jade, but it seems like the beast has a hard time knowing the difference between giving him attention and being mad.

With Jade locked and secured in my arms, I decided to head back to my room. Just as I am in the hallway and about to enter, I notice that the door to my room is open, and there are a few servant fae looking inside of it with a mixture of fear and terror in their gazes. Not only that, but there seems to be yelling coming from my room.

"I can't believe that you would pick a human...over me!!"

"I never picked you. It's my mother who did." I hear Zhier's voice, which urges me to come closer.

"What's going on here?" I ask the fairies standing out of my room. They all seemed startled at first before looking in my direction. It doesn't seem like they are going to say anything to me, so I decided to look inside.

My room is in a mess. Everything is torn, and the furnitures are broken. My clothes are on the floor and drench in something pungent that I could smell even when I am not inside my room.

In the middle of it all is Zhier and another female fairy dressed in a grand silk gown. Her skin is of a lighter shade of blue while her hair, carefully adorned with jewelry is of a darker blue.

She stares at the ground in anger before she turns to look in our direction. She catches a glimpse of me, and her gaze immediately darts to the earring given to me by Zhier. From what I have heard earlier, I am beginning to suspect that she and Zhier had a history, which means that the earring should be the last thing that I should let her see on me right now.

Without pausing, the girl reached out and shot thin red spikes in my direction with her hand.

~*~*~*~*~END OF CHAPTER~*~*~*~*~*

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