Chapter 16 Fairy Market

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Chapter 16 

The fairies' marketplace is unlike the typical outdoor mall that humans are accustomed to. All of the stalls in the market are arranged on various levels inside one enormous tree. The interior of the tree is filled with a small platform that is held up in the air by thick, sturdy vines.

I follow Zhier as I cross the vines and make my way to the platform on the first floor, where there are a number of flower-selling booths. It's not as exciting or fun as I had anticipated to walk on a bridge made of wood and vines. For one, it sways a lot and the flooding has moss, which makes it slippery.

"Zhier, why don't you guys clean the flooring? Someone could slips from these moss." I am already holding on to his arm so I won't tumble down in case I slip.

"The moss is there so we don't slip." Zhier tells me. "You're walking barefooted, right?" He looks down at my bare feet just to make sure.

"I am walking barefooted; that's why it's slippery, not to mention uncomfortable as well." Feeling the moist green at the sole of my feet making me grit my teeth in disgust. "If you can't clean the moss, can't you at least design a shoe that does not slip on moss?"

"Faries don't wear shoes."

"I figure." I already figured that out when I was the only one wearing my doll shoes in the palace. Still, I wish that I got to wear something on my feet.

I release my hold on Jade and allow him to run. Despite being a little midget, he is still quite heavy. Zhier looks at me like he is deciding why I released my hold on the emerald beast.

"Don't worry. If it starts nibbling on plants, we can go home and leave him." I wore a serious expression when I said it. "The damn mutt is heavy. It disrupts my study, and if it runs away, at least you would have fewer mouths to feed."

"Don't you rescue animals?"

"That beast is not mine, and it is expensive to feed. Plus, look at it." I point to the mutt, which is now looking at its reflection in a puddle nearby. Jade's tail wags as he continues to check himself in the puddle. "I think that it's a narcissist."

Khier follows my gaze and frowns. "Strange. I have never seen an emerald beast so fascinated by its reflection." He pauses and stares at Jade for a bit longer. "Maybe its behavior is changing because it is hungry."

I lean in close to whisper to him. "If we run now, maybe it can't follow us."

Zhier seems to be considering my offer. "Though its food is cheap, we still can't deny the fact that emerald beasts are expensive to buy or sell since they are rare. Still, it is still the Unseelie Prince's beast so—"

"Let's keep it." I interrupted him as soon as I hear Jade's value.

The Fairy prince cast me a stern look. "Your human side is showing. Your greed, that is."

"I see no reason for wanting money since I am totally broke in this realm, which is why I am here with you, aren't I?" I turn to him for confirmation.

"If you want something, you don't have to hesitate and ask me. According to human lore, royalties are rich. The same applies to the fairy realm." He boastfully speaks.

"Ah, right. Thanks for letting me know."

Zhier and I keep moving up the stairs to the next level. Fortunately, Jade is still keeping an eye on us and will quickly follow us if he starts to stray too far. The emerald beast still makes a point of looking at any reflective surface it comes across.

I noted something about the attire of the fairies. The male common folk wear plain green and brown blazer tops paired with brown leather shorts. The females wear short, forest colored dresses. Mine is close to a pale green, which is probably the lightest colored dress that I have seen so far in this place.

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