Chapter 19 Manipulative Lies

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Chapter 19 

Getting dropped on the ground blindfolded is probably the last thing that I expected to happen to me in the fairy realm.

My shoulder hit the ground first, making me squirm in pain from the impact. Having been blindfolded with my wrist tied behind my back is kind of enough to make me curse, which I am glad that my mother is not around to hear.

"Careful, Oelnhir!" I hear a female voice, the same one that I have heard from the stranger who abducted me from my room, says. "She's someone who bears our prince's mark. Surely you don't want to anger him by harming his human, do you?"

His human? My lips twitch at the comment. I am grateful that they are keeping me alive, but to refer to me like I am someone's property is just plain disrespectful, which is why I cannot help but fight the sneer when they begin to remove the blindfold from my eyes.

I fix my attention on a red-haired fairy man who is glaring at me while raising his brow. "This is the human that the prince imprinted on?" He questions. "She doesn't seem that impressive to me."

Again, I find myself feeling insulted because it seems like all this fairy ever says to me is negative things. I want to throw something back, but I am afraid that I might say something that might offend him. I have to remind myself that these people are unseelie folks.

I decided to turn to the female fairy instead, who seems to have her hood over her face, to ask the question that's been bugging me since they took me from my room. "What do you guys want from me?"

"Oh my, going straight to the point, are we? You're not even going to ask where you are?"

"What's the point if I am in a realm that I am not familiar with?"

The female fairy guffaws before pushing the hood off of her face, revealing a familiar face that has greeted me before. "What spunk. I never took you for such a type of person."

When my brain clicks into place and I remember where I've seen her before, all I can do is stare at her. "Y-You're that girl from that marketplace!" I begin to stutter. "You sold us those emerald stones!"

"Bravo!" The female fairy claps in delight, and for some strange reason, she seems relieved that I recognize her. "It's been days since I have seen you, so I thought that you must have forgotten about me." For a kidnapper, she sure does have such a kind smile and a friendly demeanor. Is she really an Unseelie folk?

I press my lips together when I start to realize that she seems a little different. Before, I vaguely remembered that her skin is yellow and her hair is close to an electric blue. But now she has black hair and purple skin.

The female fairy must have notice my questioning stare because she starts to explain herself. "I use glamour to change my hair and skin color."

"Uh-huh.." I nod slowly, like I even understand the concept of their magic.

Oelnhir lets out a loud sigh as he heads for the female fairy. "Efeiza, why are you being too friendly with her? She's human. What's more, she's clearly siding with those liars!"

I don't know what this guy's problem is, but the longer that he opens his lips, the more that I want to ignore my restraints and hit him.

"Shut up, Oelnhir. She doesn't even know anything."

"That she," I say, interrupting their conversation. "Is right here listening to your exchange. It would be nice if 'she' gets in on the conversation and got an explanation."

The two of them stare at me before Efeiza laughs. She points at me before looking at Oelnhir. "How can you not like her?! Now, I can definitely see why our prince took an interest in her." She smiles sweetly at the male fae before crouching down before me.

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