Chapter 6 Escaping Death Through A Deal

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Chapter 6 

"How is that possible?" My father breathed out. He started to walk back towards the car while I was trying my best not to panic. "We've been walking...I'm sure of it." My father continues to survey the inside of the car like there was something interesting to be found inside.

My eyes kept on roaming to the trees like I could find an explanation of what happened in them. We could not have gone in circles, that's for sure. Otherwise, the vehicle would be in front of us rather than where it was when we started to leave.

I thought about heading back and locking ourselves in the car when I noticed a movement behind one of the trees to my left.

I thought that it would just be a bird—I would have welcomed the presence if it was because that would assure me that there are living beings here aside from us, normal ones at least.

I heard a rustle and a few other movements coming from the forest. The movement was so unnatural that I barely caught a sigh of what it was.

Whatever it was, it wasn't alone and I have the strangest feeling that it wasn't from this world. My feet moved as fast as they could until I reached the car and hastily pushed my dad inside before I followed.

"Liv, what are you doing!?" My father exclaimed after I locked the car door from the driver's side. "The car is flat. We can't go anywhere."

I seem to have lost my ability to speak because I can't even answer my father and explain to him why I was terrified.

Something hard fell on the roof of the car, making us both scream out of fright. The impact left a dent on my father's car that the padding looked like it was going to fall on us.

"What was that?" My father asked, looking clueless even while the thing that fell on the roof of his car was already peering at us through the window. It was a black wolf with eyes of a feline. There was no doubt in my mind that it's another fairy in disguise.

No wonder my father could not see it.

It was looking at both of us while barring its teeth. I was so frightened, especially when it started to raise its head and screamed - yes, not a howl, but a scream like a human. The noise was so sinister that it sent shivers down my spine. I flinched while my father was asking me what was wrong. Of course, not only could he not see the creature before us, but he could not hear the scream that it let out.

"LIV!" The screaming stopped and I was finally aware of my surroundings again. My father has been shaking me this whole time, and I wasn't even aware of it until I could finally hear myself again. "Liv, what's wrong? You look pale."

"I-I...It's nothing." I decided to act like I did not see anything because it would be clear that my father wouldn't believe me if I told him. What else am I supposed to say? "It's just–" I screamed the moment I saw vines tangling the wolf fairy outside of the car. I was horrified to see how it wrapped itself over the wolf's body until such a time that I heard its bones crushing from the pressure. Not long after, green blood comes pouring out of its nose and mouth while its eyes begin to pop out of its sockets. The vines discarded the wolf to the side like it was a piece of garbage that it no longer had any interest in playing with.

I was having a panic attack and my father was trying to calm me down. I envy him, truly, because I doubt that he would be calm if he also saw what I see.

"You need air. We have to get out of here." My father tried to open the door, but I grabbed his hand to stop him.

"No, don't!" I screamed. It was probably a mistake for me to yell like that because I was afraid that I might get the attention of whatever entity was controlling the vines. It begins to wrap itself around the car. My father sees it too and utters a silent curse.

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