Chapter 21 Sealing Mark

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Chapter 21

After I was kidnapped, the security around the palace had become so tight that I was not able to leave or make contact with Zhier for two days, which was making me anxious. Zhier has been very busy making sure that no one will come and take me away again.

When I called for him for the third time with a letter saying I would leave through the window if he didn't come, he came into my room right away. I was just having breakfast when he suddenly barges in, making me almost choke on my wooken spoon.

"Livia, you're awake!"

I cough, dabbing a napkin over my mouth. "For now." I cough again. "If you keep barging in like that, I might just fall asleep—permanently." I emphasize the last word before asking him to sit at the chair opposite the small coffee table in my room.

Zhier gestures for the servants in that room to leave before taking a seat. "You should be in bed." He says.

"I feel fine. I'm not injured or anything. Morever, what's with the long face?" I can't help but ask after I see that Zhier is having a hard time keeping his eyes on me. He's even scratching the surface of the wooden table absentmindedly.

"Livia," He says after a sigh. His eyes, which were so full of guilt and worry before, are now replaced with a set of determined ones. "What happened the other won't happen again. I promise you, so if you are so afraid that you are willing to leave through the window, please don't. I have ordered the guards to shoot any suspicious activity going in and outside of the palace."

Well, damn. I feel like my life is shortening every second that I spend time in this realm.

Because of my dream the other night, I think I have completely forgotten that I was kidnapped. I guess I should tell Zhier that I'm feeling better before I talk about Klovis.

"I'm fine, Zhier. Thank you for worrying about me."

"What? Worried? I'm not—" He chokes, making me laugh.

"Right." I chuckle when the rules of the Fae take effect on him. "Zhier, you should be more honest with your responses." Even though this usually happens when Zhier tries to lie to hide his embarrassment, I still find it hilarious.

Zhier's face, which is not in a darker shade of blue from being flustered, slumps and looks away. "Why'd you want to see me anyway? Is it just to make fun of me again?"

Honestly, if I ever see the version of Zhier that took me to the fairy realm—the one that looks strict and menacing—I will literally die of laughter. After I have gotten to know him, I don't think that I can imagine seeing him in such a strict manner anymore.

Does that version of Zhier still exist?

My face turns serious as I prepare myself to ask him a favor. "Zhier, I need to tell you something. But before that, we have to see Faragon."

Even though it is a request from me, Zhier still seems unsure. Of course, he wouldn't have come if I hadn't hinted to him that the reason I want to see Faragon has something to do with the Unseelie Prince.

I know that I have Jade to protect me, but just for safety purposes, and after what Klovis told me in my dream, I can't be too sure. I am not sure if Faragon has something to do with Klovis, but if he's the one behind it, I think I may need Zhier's help. As shameful as it sounds that I am using the Seelie Prince as a shield, it's not like I know how to defend myself.

And whoever captured Klovis must be powerful enough to hurt the Unseelie Prince.

What I am trying to say is that I can't take any chances after knowing that Klovis's life is in danger.

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