Chapter 25 Can You Lie?

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Chapter 25

Heading back to the fairy market wasn't as hard as I thought. The moment that I told Zhier that I wanted to go there, he immediately complied.

"I am surprised that you asked me to come with you to the fairy market." Zhier suddenly blurts something out. "With what just happened, I thought that you would never wish to speak with me again." His face looks refreshed, an image that I rarely see him wear.

I don't know if he knows this yet, but he was the one who told me that if I want to visit the fairy market again, I should ask him first. Maybe he's just being forgetful, or maybe he just wants to talk. Either way, I have no idea what is going on in his mind these days, but I figured that it would just be best to play along.

"You look so stressed out with work lately, so I thought that you could use a break." It's not a complete lie. I can see clearly how stressed he is because of the bags under his eyes. I don't know what he's been up to, but I guess that going on dates with Princess Fera is not the only thing that he does. He looks so worn out.

When Zhier smiles, it somehow reminds me of when we first met him, before we found out that his mother could be a potential suspect.

"Thanks." He says appreciatively while trying to hide his smile under his hand. "It's nice to head out for a while. It feels kind of relaxing."

"Don't think too much of it. Besides, I need someone to pay while I am here." I smirk when I look towards him.

Zhier laughs at my honesty while he slowly nods his head. "Yes, I get it. You can choose anything you want. I will pay for them all."

Huh. So this is what it feels like to have those so called "sugar daddies". I am not fond of the idea, but it is pretty convenient.

I am not really interested in purchasing anything from the market today; what I want is to meet up with a certain Unseelie Fae who could help me with my research about Klovis's findings and why the Seelie Queen had him captured.

I received a letter of response from Efeiza the other day, and this is the place where she asked to meet with me. The only problem I have now is how I can loose Zhier.

I headed to the floor where they were selling gems. It's the same floor that Efeiza has asked me to meet with her under the guise of an emerald stone seller. I am purposely trying to linger longer and pretend to inspect the gems as if I am interested in any of them. I try to pretend to be interested in a few carefully crafted jewelry at one stall.

"Do you like anything?" Zhier asks after a while of trying on some jewelry. Since he is taller than me, he easily looms behind me. He picks up a certain golden cuff bracelet embedded with rubies. "This looks good on you. Why don't you try it?" He hands it to me.

"No, I—"

"Give me your hand. I'll put it on you." By the time that he took my hand, I could no longer reject him. He starts to slip on the bracelet on my wrist. Though it looks thick and heavy, it is actually light. I think that the only heavy material on the cuff are the rubbies on it. Zhier smiles upon seeing the cuff on my wrist. "As I thought, it suits you well. Sir, how much for this?"

"Zhier, it's—" I want to stop him from making the purchase, but it appears that he has already given the vendor the money for my bracelet. Ah, damn. I guess I have no choice but to keep it. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Is this another Seelie fae custom?" I try to joke while looking up at him. "Surely this won't mean that we are married, like the symbol of engagement for your earrings, right?" I thought it would lighten the mood and perhaps get a chuckle out of him, but it did the opposite. He seems to be crestfallen when he looks at the ground.

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