Chapter 9 The Seelie Queen

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Chapter 9

I can see Zhier's expression changing into distaste when he hears the Seelie Queen being mentioned. He starts to sneer, startling the two fairies before us.

"The human has just arrived. Can't she wait until Liv gets to settle?" Although it is a question, he makes it sound like a demand. The female fairy glances cautiously at her male companion, asking him to do all the talking once again.

"I-I am afraid not, your highness. She's not in the best of moods lately and demands that you see her right away when we find you."

"The girl hasn't known about our customs yet, much less how to protect her mind from glamor."

"Please, your highness. The queen will have our heads." The female fairy pleads. It's the first time that she has spoken in this conversation, allowing Zhier to turn to her for the first time.

Zhier mutters something under his breath in an ancient language that I cannot understand before turning to the two fairies before him. "Serafina, Lucian, I want you two to help me watch over Livia. She's a walking disaster."

"Hey...!" I glower at him.

"She doesn't know much about our world and how dangerous it is for ignorant humans. It only takes a song, a dance, or charmed words for her to potentially lose her life. She is a very important human being. Dying is not an option for her. She's a tool in finding out about the whereabouts of the unseelie prince."

I can't say that I am mad at Zhier for blatantly putting it out there that he only thinks of me as a tool. In fact, I kind of appreciate that he's very honest about my purpose. I suppose that he isn't joking when he told me once that fairies cannot lie.

Serefina and Lucian, as Zhier addresses the two fairies, turn to me with unsure gazes. I feel like they want nothing to do with me and want to reject his orders, but since Zhier is the prince, they have no choice but to obey him.

"As you wish, prince." They say in unison.

Zhier nods at them before turning to me. "I think you know by now what I want to say to you, right?"

"Don't leave your side and don't get into trouble?"

"I was going for 'don't touch anything' but it probably has the same message."

Zhier and I follow the two fairies through what seems like a corridor before finally stopping in front of what seems to be a massive door made of oak, locked by thick roots. When Zhier places a hand on the door, the roots begin to unravel like a knot before the door parts in the middle and opens.

A blinding bright light quickly greets me, making me squint my eyes. It's a throne room. The high ceiling is dome in shape with many circular windows to allow light to pass through. Everything in the room is adorned with roots, vines, and flowers, but from the structure itself, I can only guess that they serve as more than pretty decorations.

The Seelie Queen is at the far edge of the room, sitting on a massive red flower that serves as a throne. Her skin is a light shade of yellow and when she regards me, I can't help but be in trance with her beautiful golden eyes.

The crown on her head has live butterflies flittering above and settling on her head as she moves. Looking at her, I cannot help but picture her out as a beautiful painting.

"Zhier," She smiles and gives him a small nod. "Come in. I have been waiting for you. Oh, and bring in your guest as well." I see her attention switching to me.

I would have been frozen in place if Zhier had not urged me forward by placing a hand on my back. I never have noticed that there were other fairies in the room had they not leered at me as Zhier and I continued to walk until we were at an adequate distance from the queen. From here, I can finally see the queen clearly enough to see that she has golden freckles on her face and part of her body that's exposed from her silk dress that almost barely covers her chest. Luckily, she has live flowers to cover some sensitive parts.

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