Chapter 29 Memory of Us

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Chapter 29 

I have been very cautious with Zhier lately. As much as possible, I try not to get too close or act too friendly to him these days, which seems to have little to no effect considering that he still sticks close to me. Whenever he tries to invite me without booking a proper schedule, I decline him from time to time.

At some point, I am really tempted to run away and stay in the Unseelie Court for the time being, but the possibility that Klovis might be in the Seelie Court is the only thing that's keeping me here.

Speaking of Klovis, I still haven't had the time to properly investigate the diary that Grignel handed me. Trying to figure out how to open Klovis's diary is like trying to solve a rubik's cube with baby hands. I don't understand it at all. The black leather of the diary seems to be mocking me the longer that I stare at it.

The lock is in the form of a seal. Even though there's no visible lock, the book won't budge open.

Think, Livia. What did Grignel say when he handed me the diary?

I stare at the back of my left hand, remembering how he mentioned my mark at some point. Maybe forcing the diary open with brute force is not the answer at all. Maybe I should try using my left hand to lift the cover.

I begin to place my left hand over the diary. The back of my hand immediately begins to tingle as the mark starts to glow. I feel the cover just starting to rip before dizziness starts to swallow my mind. Not long after that, I started to collapse on my bed.

I probably lost consciousness along the way because Steve—or, should I say, Klovis—is standing before me with a very red face in the middle of a plain field.

"W–What do you think you were doing?!" He demands.

Mind you, I have just gotten back into this lucid dream where Steve and I meet, so I am still feeling a little out of it.

"Sorry. What was I doing?" I feel a little confused about Steve's troubled reaction. "You...You were...nevermind..." Steve quickly averts his gaze and starts to shift his attention to the ground. He looks so uncomfortably adorable that it seems to have woken up my brain enough to remember what I was doing before passing out.

"Is this about the diary?" I ask groggily. It's just an instinctive guess, but it seems like I was right when I saw him flinching. I gasp. "Was I able to unlock your diary?"

"No!" He snaps, looking at me with a bashful and angry eyes that I just can't seem to take him seriously. "You...don't even try to open it!"

So, I did manage to open it.

Hearing him stutter with a tomato red face somehow just pushes me to tease him. I start to grin.

"Why? What's in the diary, Steve?"

"You don't need to know!"

I snort. "I don't believe you. There must be something there that you don't want me to read if you made me faint." With a grin still on my face, I start to eye him. "You used your magic to make me faint just now, didn't you?"

He pretended not to hear me and poutingly looked in the other direction while crossing his arms.

This is amusing.

"Alright. Since you are not in the mood for talking, maybe I should head back and read your diary—page by page, if I may add. Goodnight, Steve." I start to lay on the ground and try to go back to sleep, but Steve immediately runs towards me and grabs my arms to pull me back to my feet.

"Don't you know that it is not nice to touch other people's stuff without their permission?!"
"I know about that. My mother taught me that lesson when I was a kid. Unfortunately for you, I was never the type of child who listened to their parents that often. Besides," I give him a death stare, losing my grin in the process. "Didn't you do the same when you gave me your mark?"

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