Chapter 34 Dot Marks the Spot

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Chapter 34 

Faragon arrives that night to join me for dinner in my room. Thankfully, Zhier could not make it as he was called by his mother. I can see the reluctance in Zhier's eyes about leaving me alone with Faragon, but since it was the favor that I asked him—to let me meet with Faragon—he surprisingly complied.

"I'm very happy that you are doing well, Lady Livia." Faragon and I exchange a brief greeting before he gives me a side hug. His eyes are filled with worry and relief when he gets to see my current condition. "I apologize that this happened to you."

"Don't worry about it. I am doing fine." I assure him. Seeing Faragon's face suddenly made me remember about Grignel. Immediately, I can feel my face starting to become gloomy because I am suddenly reminded that I have a deadline.

"You said you're alright, but why does it look like you are about to cry?"

I suddenly feel so stressed. It feels like a huge weight has been placed on my shoulders, and it is giving me anxiety.

"I have some things that I need to talk to you about. Do you think that you can spare me your time?" The moment when Faragon nods, I head towards my study table to grab the book that he lent me the other day. I didn't have time to read it until earlier this morning, before I asked Zhier for a favor. I immediately show Faragon the book, specifically the pages that he highlighted. "This is the book you lent me a few days ago, right?"

Faragon says nothing and nods.

After setting the book down in front of him on the coffee table, I walk over to my desk and grab a pen and paper. I take a seat and start at the top of the page, writing the initial letters of each word. It doesn't make any sense when written with human letters, but when written with fae letters in a specific order and with a few tweaks, it becomes a map. I'm not sure whether it is safe or not to say anything so I just look at Faragon, hoping that he would give me a hint if what I am doing is right or not.

A ghost of a smile appears on his lips. I can't even tell if it was a good smile or not. Of course, I could not ask him because I am afraid that someone might be listening to us.

Faragon told me before that he could not tell us anything about the prince's location—or at least he hinted me about it. He told me that it was part of his contract with the queen. Still, that doesn't mean that he could not hint out the location by making me draw a map about letters. I got the map idea because the last highlighted page of the book has a map of the palace inserted in it.

If I am right and he really wanted me to draw a map about the prince's location, then I have to say that Faragon is one clever elf whom I would not want to cross in the future.

"Lady, are you practicing letters right now?" He smiles innocently, which puzzles me. Faragon grabs my pen from my hand and starts to draw the paper of the map I drew close to him. "I admit your diligence on your study, but we might want to practice more about on this one right here." He glides the pen over to one letter before placing a dot right above it. "I recall that you always have trouble with this letter right here. You always mark the dot in the wrong spot. Remember, fairy letters may mean different things depending on where and how you place each stroke and dots." He casts me a knowing smile when he looks up from the paper, looking at me to see if I got his hint.

I did and I was trying my best at the moment not to cause too much noise. If Faragon is trying to act like he is tutoring me while 'correcting' my writing, it can only mean that someone is listening in on us.

Before, the map that I drew only showed me the area of the map. Now, with Faragon correcting my misplacement of the dot, it now shows me the exact location of—perhaps Klovis or the mirror—on the map.

"Well, seeing as how you have no more questions, I guess that it is about time for me to leave." Faragon makes a move to leave so I quickly snap out of my excitement before grabbing back the book and handing it to him.

"You forgot about this." I haven't told him about Grignel's plan to attack tomorrow. I don't even think that I could tell him without the person listening to us hearing about it. Nonetheless, I had already expected it, which is why I wrote a letter in advance that I inserted in the book. Hopefully, he will be able to read it.

After giving the book a long, curious look, Faragon looks at me. For a while, we just stared at each other. Unlike me, Faragon is intelligent and would immediately recognize that there is a secret message concealed within the book. He gives me an assuring smile and a slight nod of his head, giving me the hint that he understood what I meant by handing him the book.

"Thank you for returning the book." He winks, showing me the book before heading towards the door.

I know that I don't have a reason to be telling him about his brother's plan, but if things become hectic tomorrow, I would not want Faragon to be caught up in the mess tomorrow. I would even like to think that Grignel would want me to tell his brother as well. He would want him to be safe.

Following Faragon's departure, I returned my focus to the paper map I'd been drawing. I take out a fresh sheet of paper and begin tracing the design on the drawing. Then I sit down to compose a letter to Efeiza, detailing my predicament.

"Jade, where are you? I need you." Jade starts to stretch and heads over to where I am waiting for him with an envelope. I crouch before him and pat his head. "Were you sleeping?" Jade starts to yawn as if answering my question. He looks so adorable that I could not help but laugh. I kind of envy is laid back demeanor. "Sorry, but can you do me a favor?" I start to hand him the letter. Jade gives it a sniff before taking it gently from my hands. "Please."

Jade is a smart beast. Even if I don't tell him to whom I want the letter delivered, he will certainly give it to the right fairy.

Now, all I have to do is wait for tomorrow.

*~*~*~END OF CHAPTER~*~*~*

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