Chapter 27 Grignel

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Chapter 27 

Traveling all the way to the Unseelie Kingdom took more than an hour in human time, but according to Efeiza, it was already quick considering that I was riding Jade. I can't remember much of the ride as I was ordered to conceal myself with my cloak. Plus, my back and butt hurt from riding nonstop, and I fear for my life because Jade is running so fast that I am afraid that I might fall.

"We only have a maximum of three hours before I take you back. I have to return you before sunrise." Efeiza pulls off her hood as soon as we entered the palace. I did the same and turned around to observe the palace interior. It's no different from the Seelie palace, only that it is bathed in green dim lights. Though I know the horrific ambience that it emits is terrifying, I strangely feel safer here in the dark compared to when I was back in the Seelie Palace.

"Stick close to me princess. Don't wander or lag around too much."

I turn and quickly follow Efeiza, with Jade following right behind me. "What will happen if I stray too far? Are there rules here that are different from the ones in the Seelie Court?"

"Rules? What rules?"

"Something like lingering on one spot for too long will make you hear voices."

Efeiza pauses. She turns to look down at me like she's deciphering if I was joking. Not long after and she starts to laugh. "Lady, I never knew that you have such a talent to joke. Is that how the humans interpreted the Unseelie Court?"

"N–No, actually it's—"

"Oh, Grignel! There you are." I did not get to finish what I was about to say when Efeiza suddenly waved frantically at an elf with long, lucious dark hair. His face, however, looks strangely similar to another elf that I met.

"Efeiza." The elf named Grignel doesn't appear to be happy when he sees her. Judging how he is clad in fine dark silk work robes, I can only guess that he is someone important working in the palace. "What are you doing here and what—" His eyes turn to me, black pupils going wide in terror. "Why did you bring a human into the prince's domain!?" His voice rings around us when he yells, making me stagger back in fright.

"Hey now, Grignel. You know exactly who she is. You should know that she has the prince's mark." Efeiza quickly comes to my defense, which I am grateful for.

"I know exactly who she is, which gives me all the more reason to be angry that you brought her here!" The elf lets out an exasperated sigh. "Send her back."


"I said send her back right now. If the Seelie prince—"

"Prince Klovis is dying." I suddenly blurted out. Hearing that he's planning to send me back just stirs up so much panic within me that I can't help but be desperate. If they send me back now without even getting started, I won't have any clue as to where to find him. "He's—"

"Stop right there." Grignel raises a hand to stop me.


"I heard what you said, so I suggest that you stop talking." Grignel's gaze shifts from side to side before turning back to me once again. "You two, follow me. And bring Renegar as well. I can't have him loitering around and breaking things while the prince is absent."

Efeiza and I turn to one another before we decide to follow him, but not before dragging Jade, who seems to want to scratch one of the decorations on the palace wall. I know that he is Klovis's beast, and he probably wouldn't mind getting his furniture damaged by Jade, but I can't say the same for Grignel. That guy scares me.

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