Chapter 13 Night in The Library

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Chapter 13 

The next day, Zhier met with me only to take me to the library, where my Faragon was waiting for me on the same floor where his royal highness tried to study but failed.

Zhier told me that he was going to go and meet his father, for what reason, I don't know. But something tells me that it involves the mark on my hands.

"Livia, if you have a hard time understanding something, don't be afraid to tell me." Faragon assures me. Right now, he is trying to teach me about the alphabets of the faes, but the thing about their alphabet is that it's too complicated for me to decipher. I think that I only managed to grasp at least one or two letters at the moment.

I laugh dryly and look up at my elf tutor. "I am very sorry, but I think that I am just not that smart to comprehend more than two at the moment." I feel like a toddler that's just learning the English alphabet. I want to cry. I feel so stupid and embarassed all of a sudden.

Now I get why Zhier hates to study.

"Really?" Faragon wonders. He places a hand on his chin and it is like he is debating something at the back of his mind. "I guess that's alright. Let's just make sure that you practice those two letters. The rest of the letters can follow."

"How many fae letters do I have to study again?"


"...sure." I feel dizzy. I want to go home.

I am not that stupid, but somehow this place makes me feel like a complete moron. I think that I have lost all my motivation to study. Still, since Faragon is here with me, I have no choice but to force myself to study, or I will just be wasting my time.

If only their alphabets were easier, I could easily memorize them all.

"Why don't we take a small break?" Faragon suggests, after a few hours of my trying to memorize the pattern of the first two alphabets. "You've been working too hard."

Hearing those words made me feel relieved and, at the same time, guilty. "Thank you and I'm sorry." I'm not going to lie that I feel ashamed to represent the human race's intelligence at the moment. And here I thought that since I became an adult that studying would be easy.

Who was I kidding?

"Don't worry about it. We all need a break." Faragon sets a cup of tea before me. I check the color and see that it's red in color. Come to think of it, my brain is so filled with other stuff right now that I am having trouble remembering what color of food to eat.

"It's red." Faragon says, as if he has read my mind about my troubles. "It's safe for you to drink, so don't worry."

"Thanks for being so considerate." I say, after sipping the tea and relaxing in my seat. "I mean no offence when I say this, but fae letters have too many scribbles."

Faragon laughs. "Actually, it was designed like that so that humans won't be familiar with Fae language. Do you know how much trouble it would be if it was easier for humans to decipher our language? They would know how to unveil our world and know our secrets."

"And that is dangerous how?"

"Our magic. I don't mean to say anything offensive to your kind, but it would be better if humans didn't get involved with anything that concerns creation and destruction with just a snap of their fingers." He gives me a wary look as he reads my expression.

I thought about what he said, and I could not help but nod my head in agreement. Humans can't do magic and yet we still manage to engage in wars and environmental destruction. I guess that an overcomplicated fae language is better than putting fae knowledge at the hands of humans.

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