Chapter 23 Name

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Chapter 23 

"Where is it!?" I hiss impatiently, moving book after book from my table. Jade can only watch me from afar while I continue to rummage through the books on my desk and try to look for a specific title.

There are servant fairies outside of my door looking at me with concern while I make a mess. To them, I might look like a crazy person. To their credit, they have every right to think of me in such a way.

After I fell into the pond and gazed upon Klovis's reflection on the water, I started screaming and calling for his name. I was even digging the earth beneath the pond when his reflection started to vanish. If one of the palace guards did not pull me back and escort me back to my room, I would have probably ruined the garden.

Now that I am in my room, I am throwing books here and there. I did not even change out of my clothes yet, even though they were dripping wet.

"Where the hell did I place that boo—"


I pause from my rummaging and let out an exasperated breath. Great. Just the person that I want to see right now.

When I turn to face the entrance, Zhier is coming my way after shutting the door behind him. His eyebrows are almost touching, and he's not even trying to hide his displeasure from me.

"What?" I stop what I am doing and counter his glare with my own while crossing my arms. "I know that you are a prince, but can't you knock?"

"The door was open when I came in." He says, which isn't a lie. When I was escorted to my room, I did not even bother to close it. Zhier's gaze falls on my hair before landing on my wet dress. His blue skin darkens before he returns his eyes to my face. "I heard you fell in the pond. Why didn't you bother to change?!" He sounds angry when he heads into the bathroom before returning with a towel, which he hands to me. "You're human. You could get sick." When I did not take the towel, he tosses it over my face.

"I was busy!" I start wrapping the towel around my body after removing it from my face. It's funny that I wasn't even cold before he handed me the towel. "Besides, even if I am human, I am not that fragile."

I notice that Zhier is still looking at me without even saying anything. I realized then that he was waiting for me to answer his previous question, about which I am debating whether I should tell him or not.

Zhier has been very distant to me lately, and it was just recently that I figured out why he was acting in such a way. Of course, it is none of my business if he is having romantic affairs since we are just pretend lovers anyway.

Still, there are numerous other reasons why I cannot find myself trusting him anymore. Not only does it seem like he is neglecting our priority of finding Klovis, but it is also the fact that he has never talked about his mother after our little talk with Faragon.

Can I still trust him?

When I did not answer him, Zhier breathed through his nose and massaged his temple.

"Livia, are you doing this to get my attention? You know that you can just—"

"Woah!" I extend a hand towards him, stopping him from continuing his sentence. "We literally just had that conversation earlier."

"And yet you are still acting like someone who got a screw loose." There's not even a hint of embarrassment on his face when he assumes that. "If that's not the reason, then why exactly are you acting like this?"

I shake my head, feeling sick about this conversation. "I just told you earlier!" I burst out. "If you were listening to me earlier, that is." When Zhier maintains a blank look on his face, it kind of feels like I am beginning to loose it. "Get out."

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