Chapter 31 Unavoidable

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Chapter 31"I don't understand." I shake my head at the absurdity of his words. "Are you telling me that The Seelie Court, the one where Zhier lives, is actually the Unseelie Court and that the people living there are...Unseelies?"

"That seems to be the case." Even though he is the one who said it, Grignel seems to be uncomfortable with the information he just uncovered. He starts to slump and rest his forehead on his hand. "This might be the real reason why he was taken by those...those...argh...I don't even know what to call them anymore." He sounds so defeated, and I can't blame him for feeling that way. Who knows how long this realm has been switched—if that is the right word to say it. Even I, who stayed here for a short time, am having a hard time processing the information.

But if I really think about it, it kind of makes a lot of sense. I always find it odd that the descriptions of the Seelies and Unseelies contradict those that I find in books. Not to mention the dangerous rules that I have to observe while I am in the Seelie Palace.

Zhier. I suddenly thought about him. There are times when he is kind and times when he is...cruel and insane. Somehow, I feel like he has a dual personality. It doesn't seem like he is aware about his origin and he is probably trying to fight off his insanity, which explains his behaviour.

Zhier is an Unseelie while Klovis is the real Seelie prince.

"I—I need to go back as soon as possible."

Grignel abruptly looks up. The look on his face tells me that he is debating whether or not I am crazy. "I just told you that the current Seelie realm is the real Unseelie Court. Is your human brain having a hard time processing the situation? It's dangerous to go back there!"

The urge to grab the innocent book from the table and hammer it on the rude elf's head is immesurable. I feel offended that he thinks that I could not grasp such information just because I am human.

"I know that and I understand the danger." I want to tell him about the changes in Zhier's personality and his seemingly obsession with me lately. "And that gives me all the more reason to go back. That place is far more dangerous than we thought, and Klovis is somewhere in there. Are you telling me that you would abandon your prince?"

Grignel scowls at me, but did not say anything that would disagree with my words. Even he knows that I am right. "Prince Klovis won't agree with this. He would not want you to be risking your life for him."

"We don't have a choice. Right now, I am the fastest way for us to find the location of Klovis."

"And how are you going to do that? You spent a lot of time in their palace and even now you still have no clue about the whereabouts of the prince." Grignel gives me a dubious expression. "If you want me to allow you to return, you must first convince me. What's your plan?"

"I will ask Zhier."

The elf's jaw drops at that point before shaking his head. "You have completely lost your mind. He's an Unseelie! Not only that, but he is the son of—"

I held up my hand to stop him from talking. "You didn't even let me finish!" I interrupt him. "I never said that I would ask him directly. The guy has been showing signs that he no longer cares about looking for Klovis anymore."

"Then how are you going to get that information out of him?"

"I'll think of something discreet."

Grignel looks like he is about to throw in the towel and call it a day because of how loudly he sighs. "I should have known better than asking you." Just from this conversation alone, Grignel seems to have aged because of the stress lines on his forehead. "Three days. I will give you three days to gather some information before I send Efeiza to come and bail you from that place."

"That's too soon! What if I don't find anything?!"
"Then we attack the Seelie Court." Grignel's eyes flashes when he gets to his feet. "After what we have discovered, it is obvious that peace is no longer something that we can consider, especially when this world is already tampered with for who knows how long. Prince Klovis is the only heir to the throne right now because both of his parents were killed by prejudiced Seelies!" Grignel slams a fist to the table, creating a loud hammer that fills the empty room. "No more. We will not let those faes do as they wish. This war is long overdue anyway."

I have a feeling that this is no longer something that I can talk him out of. I can tell that he is furious and it is the kind of feeling that I would never be able to understand as an outsider. I cannot imagine having to live my whole life in a lie. Not to mention that they are undoubtedly getting scrutinized because of it.

"Three days." I let the weight of his deadline rest in the space between us so I could grasp the situation more. "I understand. I'll do my best to find him within three days."

Grignel seems to have calmed down slightly when I see him tuning to address me. "Even if you don't manage to find him, I still give you my thanks for your effort. But if you manage to find the prince, you will have the kingdom's utmost gratitude, and we will be forever in your debt. You will be the first human ambassador."

"T-Thanks." I honestly have no idea what to make of this. Should I be pressured or...MORE pressured? "I guess I better get going."

"I wish you luck in your endeavor, lady Livia. Where you are going, you are sure to need it."


I thought long and hard about my conversation with Grignel as we made our way back to my room. Efeiza would usually escort me all the way back to my room, but after hearing vague explanations about what Grignel and I found out about the reality of this world, she asked me if she could head off first.

"Take care, Efeiza." I didn't know what to say or how to comfort the jolly fairy who always escorts me on my travels. I feel weird not seeing or hearing her joking around.

"Thanks, Lady." She flashes me a small smile and a nod. "See you in three days, I guess."

After bidding farewell to Efeiza, I ride on Jade's back in order to get to my room. Since my room is on the third floor, Jade has to take several leaps on each floor's balcony before we come to reach the one from my room.

"That was a long night." I start to stretch my back after I got down from Jade. "Let's hurry inside, Jade. It's cold out here."

"I suppose you should." Just as I start to open my balcony door, I jump back after hearing his voice. It's already late at night, and there's barely any light left to illuminate the space in my room, but the sound of his voice is enough for me to know who it is. I hear footsteps coming closer until the light of the moon finally touches Zhier's face. His eyes looks like he is trying his best not to be angry with me that they seem to be flaring red. I can see his tight saw and the muscles from his neck starts to tighten when he starts to speak again. "Hello, dear Livia. Care to tell me where you've been this late at night?"

*~*~*~END OF CHAPTER~*~*~*

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