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Chap. 16

Chase's P.O.V.

I decided to call Frankie and update him on how the plan was working out.

"Hey, how's it going?" He asked as soon as he picked up.

"Great. She's getting ready for tonight. To be honest I'm kind of nervous."

"Don't be. I've known her for a long time. She'll be even more nervous than you."

"If you say so. Its almost time for us to go. I will call you later."

"Alright, bye." He clicked off the call. Just as he did Winter walked out of the elevator and began looking for me. Her eyes landed on me and she blushed. She started walking towards me.

"Hey." She said smiling brightly.

She looked absolutely beautiful.


Winter's P.O.V.

I was so nervous going down the elevator. I tried to look natural but I don't think it turned out right. I stepped out of the elevator and looked for him. I found him by the chairs staring at me and I walked over to him.

"Hey." I said nervously and smiled.

He was still looking at me without saying anything. I must've snapped him out of it because he finally blinked.

"You look amazing." I blushed.

"Thank you. Should we go?"

"Yea, let's go."


The food was amazing. We ate right next to the beach and it was really fancy. It was candle lit and had soft music playing in the background. We were now walking on the beach, talking and laughing. We sat down by a fire that had a couple chairs and blankets by it.

"So while we're still here on this perfect beach after watching the sunset... I would like to ask you on another date, or two, or more. I really enjoy hanging out with you, Winter. But the thing is I want to be more than just a date." He paused.

"I want you to be around me all the time so I can see you whenever I want and take you out with your friends and see you look even more beautiful than you already are. So," He grabbed my hand," Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course!" I jumped up and hugged him. He smiled widely and hugged me back.

"Come on let's go back so you can call Melody and tell her all about it."

"How'd you know I would?"

"I've known you for a while. You just didn't realize it. You tell her everything."

"Oh, that's why you bothered me all the time. "

He nodded.

I shivered.

"Are you cold?"

"A little." He pulled off his jacket and put it around my shoulders.

"Thank you."

"Anytime." He kissed my for head as we walked back to the hotel.


We were back home by now and unpacked. We were exhausted. Of course, that's when Melody and Frankie knocked on the door.

"You should get the door." I said.

"Its your house. "


"Fine." He got up and opened the door. Melody and Frankie came in and Melody sat on my back because I was laying on the couch.

"How'd it go?"

"I can't talk right now. I'm to tired."

"Then let's go get some Starbucks to wake you up."



We left the guys at my place. We talked foe almost two hours until Frankie called and asked where we were.

When we got back to the house it was quiet. That's not good.

We heard a noise out back and went to see what was going on.

We seen my mom telling the guys to make themselves useful and do some chores. Then she added that when we got back we can help. We looked at each other and ran back into the house.

Of course, we had to spy on them. I opened up my window so we could hear the conversations.


Chase's P.O.V.

"I can't believe Winter's mom is making us do this!"

"I have to. I work for her. But you're my friend and Winter's friends boyfriend."

"You must really love her a lot to do this for her. Have you even told her?"

"Have you?" We heard squealing from somewhere.

He gave me a look that said' They're watching us'. I nodded.

"So do you want to go for a swim?" I asked.


We went to make the plan then quietly went inside. We made sure Winter's mom didn't let them know we were in here. We were going to get revenge for spying on us.

We went quietly to Winter's door.

"Where'd they go?" We heard Melody say.

Winter came to the door and opened it. Then they seen us.

"Uh-oh." She said before they both ran, no doubt to hide.

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