He'd Regret It

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"Why did you name your daughter Winter?" He asked my mother.

"Is that really all you had to ask her?"

"Nope. Was she born in the winter or do you like the winter? "That's it I'm going to my room until he leaves."

"I won't be leaving for a little while."

"Gosh, I hate you!" I walked into my room passed my sister's doors and slammed the door.

I got out my laptop and put a movie in and fell asleep. About a half an hour later I woke up and walked downstairs. The scene was both weird and funny.

My sister's had apparently wanted to play with makeup and hair because he was in my kitchen chair with his long hair in many braids around his hair and his eyes had purple eyeshadow on the lids with pink blush on his cheeks and red lipstick on his lips. It looked pretty good for two seven year olds playing on a Barbie doll. One funny problem though. He wasn't a Barbie doll. So I did the only rightful thing I could in this moment. I pulled out my phone and took some pictures. This would've worked if bot for the fact that I had accidentally left on my flash.

"Hey what are you doing?"

I giggled and ran into my room and locked the door.

"I'm going to get you back Winter." His voice full of promise.

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