The Date

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Chap. 11

I don't think I have seen so many rollercoasters in my life. There were so many.

"Does it look fun?" Chase asked.

I nodded my head up and down.


"We're going to have so much fun, guys! " Said Melody.

"I agree." Said Frankie.

I think we went on about half of the rollercoasters before we went to get our ice cream.

"What kind?" Chase asked.

"You don't have to-" I started.

"You are my date so I am required to pay for the meal, even if it is just ice cream." He said.

"Ok. Chocolate, I want chocolate."

"Good choice."

Melody and Frankie sat at the wrong table so while Chase was getting the ice cream I went over to where they were sitting at.

"Why don't you sit at the table we picked?"

"We want to just talk with each other. Plus it gives you time to talk to Chase and get to know him better."

I glared at her and was about to say something when Chase called me over.

I mouthed 'Were not done here'. She just smiled innocently.

I went to go set down at the table by Chase and he insisted, just like a gentleman, that he pull my chair out and help me sit.

"Your really trying to be a gentleman." I observed.

"My mother raised me right. I am good, I just choose to bother some people to have fun." He smiled a big bright smile at me. "I am actually really fun if you get to know me."

"I am staring to see that." I smiled right back at him.

We spent the rest of the night almost as if it weren't a double date. We went on the same rides and everything but we didn't talk to each other rather than our dates.

Finally, we were getting ready to go home after a great day when suddenly fireworks started flying into the air. They were beautiful. Then I looked over at Melody and was shocked to see that Frankie was kissing her. I looked over to Chase to see if he was watching and instead he was watching me with a smile.

"Do you think it would disappoint my mother if I kissed you right now, under the stars and fireworks?"

"Not at all. She would be very pleased."

He smiled and said "I didn't think so." and kissed me.

I don't think this day could get any better.

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