Just Don't Make Me Mad

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Chap. 7

"What are you doing?"

I gasped from being scared and fell off onto the floor.

"You're dancing?" I glared at him.

"That was graceful." He says in a sarcastic tone.

"Shut up!" I said and went to my room.

"Come on I was just kidding." He pleaded at my door.


"Please, Winter."

"Leave me alone!"

"Make me."

"Just leave me alone!"

"Unless you come out of the door, " He said and I could just hear the smirk, " you can't make me." He said laughing.

"I hate you! What do you want?"

"Hate is a strong word."

"I'm a strong person."

"Why are you making such a big deal out of this? All I did was ask you if you were dancing. You're the one who fell to the floor. I had the right to comment."

I opened up the door and glared at him.

"You either go to your room, go out, or go wherever you want but here or you about to be kicked out of this house and you will never see me again!"

With that I went into my room and slammed the door shut. I heard him slowly walk away. When I was yelling at him his face was so priceless, I almost feel bad for him... almost.

I heard him call someone and ask them if he could come over. He must have told them about me because he said 'yea I made her extremely mad.'


'I already tried that.'

'I really don't want her to be mad at me'

I just walked away after listening for a couple of seconds and went to my phone. I decided to call Melody and ask her if she wanted to come over. She showed up about 5 minutes later and almost screamed when she saw Chase on the couch and he waved to her. She ran upstairs and asked me what he was doing here.

"He lives here, remember?"

"How can you stand it?"

"It's not easy but I can manage." I said sarcastically even though at the same time I was thinking about him when we were swimming.

"Can we call Frankie over to?" She showed me with her puppie face.



So after Frankie got here we all went outback and went outside to swim. We talked and laughed the whole time. Then after about an hour Chase came outside and told me that the phone was ringing. I got out of the pool and went inside. Turns out that the phone wasn't ringing.

"So obviously the phone isn't ringing."

"I noticed."

"Yea, umm, can I hang out with you guys? I'm kind of alone."

"Yea, sure. Go get a swimsuit. But don't try to make me mad."

"Thanks." He smiled a bright smile. Then he went upstairs to get changed.

I ran outside and told Melody and Frankie that he was coming outside.  Then quickly told Melody to behave. Chase came out in his trunks and once again, he looked amazing. Melodys eyes were popping out of her head.

"Hi." Chase waved.

"Melody, why don't you come and help me get some drinks?"


We walked in and I got some lemonade powder out. I got a pitcher out and put the powder and water in.

"Now you see what I have to deal with."


"And don't even get me started on the arrogance." We laughed.

"Once again, how do you live with that. " She laughed louder.

"With great difficulty." We headed outside.

"Shhhh!" I heard before we got outside.

"You know you do." We heard Frankie say.

"Quiet their coming!" Chase said.

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Oh nothing." said Frankie. He mouthed that he would tell me later. I slightly nodded and we went on with the rest of the afternoon.

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