My Diary!

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Chap. 8

"That was really fun. I really like your friends." Said Chase after Melody and Frankie left.

"They're my best friends. I don't know what I could do without them." I said honestly.

"I don't really have any that great. They never want to hang out with me. I guess I'm not that great at choosing friends." He said.

"You can hang around with us. I mean they like you. You'd definitely fit in with us cool kids." I joked.

"I would?" He said really excitedly playing along with me.

"Oh yea. Even though you're a blond and all."

He narrowed his eyes at me. Then he smirked at me. Uh-Oh.

Then the weirdest thing happened. He got up and left out of the living room and went upstairs. I just shrugged my shoulders being the careless person I am. Well, turns out I shouldn't be. Guess what he found that I have been trying so desperately to hide.

""So while I was sick I had a chance to look around. I just stumbled into your room and happened to find this under your mattress. " He held up my diary.

My eyes widened.

"Put that down!"

"Ok, but that doesn't mean I didn't do anything to it already. I could have already read it and took pictures of all the juicy things hidden in it."

Oh no.

"Oh yes." He smirked evily knowing exactly what I was thinking.

"What do you want?"

"Oh nothing." He smiled pleased with himself.

"Please, give it back to me."

"On one condition. "


"You and me. Melody and Frankie. Double-date Friday night. Just as friends, I promise. This is for Frankie. I want to be his friend and I'm going to do what I can."

I just looked at him and didn't say anything pondering it. I had very personal things in that diary. It was worth just this.


"Unless of course you'd like to make it a date." His eyebrows went up and down.

"Don't push it." I glared.

"There is some juicy stuff in here." He raised my diary.

"I'll do whatever you want, just give it back."

"It's a date." He said pleased with himself. Then he walked away smiling.

What did I just get myself into?

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