The Car Ride

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Chap. 10

The guys must have planned this out because when we got to the car they opened up the doors for us and closed them after we got in. They were making this very fun.

"You already planned this didn't you? You knew that I would say yes if you had leverage."


"Well, it was a good trick."

Chase and I were in the front of the car while Melody and Frankie were in the back.

"I had to do something to get you out. You dancing inside is getting old."

I hit him In the arm. Nobody makes fun of my dancing.


"Don't tease me."

My phone buzzed.

Melody-You are so cute! :))))

Frankie- You need to go out. :p

I looked at them and they gave me an innocent look.

"What?" Chaise asked.



I sent a message to Frankie.

Me- If you haven't noticed, we are technically going out right now.

Then he had a understanding look on his face.

"Are you talking about me?" Chase asked.



Me and Frankie said at the same time. I shot a look at him.

"Am I that awesome?"

Frankie and I just stared at him.

"I guess that's a no." He turned back to the steering wheel.

I got a text from Melody.

Melody- He was disappointed.

Me- Was not.

Melody- Let me ask you a question.


Melody- Why do you think he asked you out on this double date?

Me- He said it was for Frankie so he could ask you out.

Melody- Then why would he choose you of all people. I'm sure he has some friends that he could ask to come.

That made me think.

Me- Then tell me what it is you think.

Melody- I think he likes you and is using me and Frankie ( which was a good excuse) to get to you.

Me- I guess it's possible, but not likely. He said strictly friends.

Melody- That's what they all say.

Me- -_-

We didn't talk much for the rest of the car ride. If we did it was Chase asking questions of what we wanted to do while we were there. We concluded that we would go on a bunch of rollercoasters and get ice cream. We're very organized planners, obviously. When we got there, just as when we got in the cars, the guys opened our doors for us and we each locked our arms together as we started walking. This is going to be so much fun!!!

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