The Beginning of the Rest of Our Life

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Chap. 18

We were finally moved into our new house. We even bought a car.
We were ready for our little girl to arrive anytime now. I am approximately eight and a half months pregnant. Chase reads to her every night and we talk to her constantly.
Her name is going to be Venessa. Everyone named her.
Our baby is apparently going to come out in two weeks according to the doctor and I can not wait.
Chase's P.O.V.

Winter and I went over to Frankie and Melody's house one day. Like we always do, we split up and talked to eachother about the babies or the houses. I was talking to Frankie about his babies and he said that Melody was about seven and a half months along.
"Yea, I'm kinda scared. Don't be, your babies are in perfect condition. There is no need to worry. "
"I know just the fact of being a father scares me."
"Scares me to. I guess we'll work this out together."
Winter's P.O.V.
"So how far along are you?" Melody asked.
"8 months and 1 week."
"Are you scared?"
"A little. I just don't want anything to go wrong."
"I know how you feel."She said honestly.
"I could have my baby at anytime. What if Chase isn't there? What if nobody is there?"
"I will make sure you always have someone with you. Don't worry about it." I hugged her.
"Thank you."
"What are best friends for?" She smiled cheekily.
"Boyfriends are better." I heard behind me. Chase.
"Eavesdropping I see."
"Learned from the best. "
"Well it's getting late so we should start heading over."
"Okay. " I got up with his help.
"Remember our talk. Anytime you need it." Melody reminded me.
"Thank you."
We went over to our house which is conveniently right next to theirs.
Chase started making food for us.
"You don't have to be scared about being left alone, you know. Melody, Frankie, or I are always here."
I let a tear slip.
"Hey don't cry." He wiped the stray tear.
"I can't help it. I'm pregnant."
"Yes you are. Very pregnant as a matter of fact. Which is why you won't be alone."
"I love you. "
"I love you to. "
Two days later I was hanging out with Melody and Frankie at their house. Chase was out shopping for groceries.
We were talking about the future of the babies when I felt a cramp.
I looked down and my eyes widened as I looked up to Melody. My water broke.
"Melody call Chase." I said as calmly as I could.
"Why? What's wrong?" She looked at me, now standing up.
"Oh. Frankie call Chase. We have to go to the hospital." She said.
"Okay, go get into the car. He can meet us there."
"Good idea."
We were in the car now. Frankie was already talking to Chase.
"You have to get to the hospital Chase."
I heard him ask why. I could hear the panic in his voice.
"Her water broke. We're going to it now." He explained.
"Can I talk to him?" I said scared.
"She wants to talk to you. "He handed me the phone.
"Chase? Where are you?" I started tearing up.
"I'm on my way. I'm coming. Don't worry, just relax."
"It's a little hard."
"I know just try."
20 Minutes later we were at the hospital and I was really hurting. Chase walked in about 5 minutes later and he saw me instantly. Just as he walked over they got a wheelchair and sat me down in it.
"Are you okay?" Chase asked.
"Never better." I said through a squeaky voice.
He held my hand and kept telling me that everything was going to be alright and he loved me.
30 minutes later I had a little girl named Venessa laying in my arms.
I asked Chase if he wanted to hold her and he took her.
He looked so proud and happy. He was filled with so much love and it made me tear up.
"She's so beautiful, Winter." He said almost crying himself.
"We made her. She's our daughter." I said proudly.
He nodded his head.

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