Chapter 2

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I finally finished my homework, an hour after starting it and settled into my chair listening more intently to Billie's encounters with demons and what she found out about how a witch's culture affected their upbringing and how their powers worked.

"-so the demon attacked me as I assumed it would, but it obviously wasn't expecting me to be ready for it's attack so I deflected it's fireball and it killed him as he was just standing there. It was at that exact moment that Andy came around the corner, trying to act the part of the hero. When he realised that I had vanquished the demon though he slowed down and acted cool as if he knew that I had done that already" she said laughing, recounting the time she fought a demon just after she had told Andy her secret. Surprisingly he was cool with it and didn't faint or anything. He had told us that he knew there was something strange about Billie but he didn't expect her secret to be that big.

When she finished telling the stories I had laughed at so many parts that my cheeks were hurting. I was so happy for Billie. I could tell by the way Andy stayed by her and the way he looked at her that said he loved her with every fibre of his being. Then realisation hit me. When I had shook Andy's hand I didn't have a dizzy spell and then suddenly know everything about him. That only happened with demons.

I summoned my power, while standing up quickly. This one gave me the ability to read minds, but then I remembered that I had to know this person to enter their mind. This annoyed me. I didn't know whether Andy was legit or not and the only way I could find out was by using my powers. If he was a demon then he would die, if he wasn't then I could tell but there would still be the chance of him dying. If it turned out that he was human then by doing this, by trying to protect Billie, I could be hurting her at the same time.

"Lila-Rose" Chris said warningly. I jumped at his voice and at the use of my full name. Chris only ever called me by the first part, so I could always tell when he was angry or upset at me. I looked at him and saw that there was a crease in-between his eyebrows signalling that he was worried as well as concentrating, ready to pounce on me if I did something stupid. Unfortunately Chris didn't use our bond to talk to me, and so the whole room heard his use of my name and they knew that I had thought something that would cause Chris to call me by my full name.

I suddenly felt dizzy. The weight of everyone's stare on me weighed me down. I need to get out, I thought and turned and ran for the door. I didn't even feel claustrophobic as I went through the doorway. My legs carried me past the dining table and into the conservatory. I didn't glance around as I headed straight for the garden and it was here that I stopped running and sank to the floor.

I decided against my early idea of training and decided to meditate to try and get rid of all this negative energy. Taking deep breaths, I crossed my legs and laid my arms on top of my legs. My back straight, perpendicular to the grass. I carried on with my breaths, in through my nose, out through my mouth. After about ten of these I focused my senses to listen, smell and feel the area around me, forgetting about everything that had just happened and forgetting about my current worries. I concentrated, after a few seconds I was rewarded. The rustle of the wind in the trees. The coolness of the grass beneath my legs where my trousers had ridden up. The smell of... burning. I opened my eyes but when I did I wasn't in the garden. I don't know where I was. All I knew was that I was still in San Francisco.

"Help!" someone yelled. I stood and turned to the sound and saw a little boy crouched on the floor, demons surrounding him. The boy was scared, I could feel it, he was so scared, and angry. He was a strong projector. I ran towards him yelling "Hey!" at the same time. The demons turned directing their fireballs at me. I shimmered behind one and twisted his neck, he fell to the floor in a heap. Another sent an energy ball my way but I caught it in my hand and threw it back in the blink of an eye. He went up in flames and screamed as the flames consumed him and he blew up. The final one stared at me. I rolled my eyes and summoned fire into my hand, throwing it at the demon which hit him in a small wave of fire. He blew up instantly. I turned my attention back to the demon whose neck I had twisted, his body was still there so I waved my hand and he shimmered away. I wasn't sure where to, and I didn't care. I heard a sob from my left, and remembered that the boy was still there.

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