Chapter 20

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Author's Note: Hey everyone how are you all? so this chapter sees the development of Chris and Lila's relationship. the first page or so is descriptive so if you feel queasy about people throwing up then you may want to skip that part. Enjoy my lovelies. Laura XxX


My feet landing on the earth told me that I had arrived back home. I didn't know as my eyes were closed trying to fight off the wave of nausea I had been feeling since I took Lucy's hand in mine. Slowly I opened my eyes to see that everyone had dispersed into the living room and voices told me that the sisters were in the conservatory. I looked at the two people holding on to both of my hands and loosened my grip. They took their chance and let go before walking into the living room.

I followed them and flopped onto the chair that I had woken up on just this morning, due to the same recurring nightmare about Chris but this time no one came downstairs as Billie and Andy were currently decorating their new home. Gosh it felt like I'd been awake for over two days without no sleep. Looking at the clock I saw that the time was now just past eleven. Holy crap it had taken us two hours to vanquish the demon and I didn't even vanquish him. Another wave of nausea engulfed me and I felt the bile rise in my throat. Tapping into Chris' power to orb again I orbed upstairs into the bathroom that us 'kids' used, as Leo and Piper had their own en suite. I managed to tuck my hair behind my ears and grab hold of the toilet bowl just as I threw up everything that I had eaten that day.

I had no idea how long I had been throwing up my guts just as I heard a knock on the door and Chris' voice saying my name.

"Lila are you in there?" I wasn't able to reply though as I felt another wave of nausea and I heaved into the toilet. Well there was his answer. The door opened and Chris knelt down beside me pulling my hair back from my face and wiping his hand across my right cheek and my left, wiping away the sweat that had begun to form there. I pressed my elbow against him and thought go away!

"No!" he replied aloud just as my body shook and I threw up again. He rubbed his hand up and down my back and the gesture was soothing. I was able to gulp air though it tasted stale from the sick. I stayed there a few moments longer, kneeling either side of the toilet before I decided that I no longer had anything else left to throw up. Chris ripped off some toilet paper and handed it to me. I took it and wiped my mouth before throwing it into the toilet and flushing it. I felt Chris mess with my hair before he exited the bathroom and as I stood up I realised that he had tied it up.

Walking over to the sink by the side of the toilet I swirled my mouth out with water before grabbing my brush and ferociously brushing my teeth. When all I could taste was the mint of the toothpaste I spat it out and rinsed my mouth before putting my toothbrush away and making my way to the door before opening it.

As I did I saw that Chris was lounging against the wall waiting for me and he smiled lightly when he saw me. Looking into his eyes I could instantly tell that he was worrying about me without needing to use the bond, so I sent him an encouraging smile and he grabbed my arms and pulled me into him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he tucked my head in his neck, resting his chin on the top of my head while his arms encircled my torso. We breathed in sync our chests rising at the same time.

"Are you okay Lila? I've never heard you be that sick before" he asked me and I cleared my throat.

"I'm fine now thanks but I don't know why I was so sick" I shrugged and Chris' arms moved with my shoulders. He hummed in agreement.

"Gosh I was so worried when you just walked out, I was positive that you would get yourself killed. Then when the demons didn't see you. Lila what was that?" he asked and I squeezed him tighter around the waist. He responded by squeezing me as well and I felt my shoulders recline into my sides as he pushed them.

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